– I know the price is high, but it is possible to break out – news Culture and entertainment

– This book is my contribution to bringing about changes in society, says Raja to news. On Monday came the news about Abida Raja’s book “Abida Raja. The moment of freedom”. On Tuesday, the book could be bought in the shops. She tells about a life marked by, among other things, forced marriage, and physical and psychological violence. – It has been terrible, she says when describing what her life has been like. – We risk being ostracized Raja says that she has been very nervous and stressed about the publication of the book, but that at the same time she is relieved that she is finally out. Now she hopes to help other women with the book. – I know there are many women who live lives similar to mine, and that girls are still married off to men they don’t love. I strongly want women to see that it is possible to break out. I know the price is high. In the environment I come from, divorced women get less respect and fewer opportunities than divorced men. We risk being ostracized from family, friends and the environment. Lawyer Javeed H. Shah responds in writing on behalf of Raja’s ex-husband, among other things: “He acknowledges that the marriage has had its challenges, and that they therefore divorced in 2015. According to my client, he has lived in good faith that Abida married of free will as she herself expressed to him. Therefore, the information about forced marriage is something he only became aware of in 2020. He refers here to a long marriage with Abida, and their four children.” In the book, written by author Håkon F. Høydal, you can read about Raja’s life from the time she was born to the present day. Two of the people mentioned in the book are Raja’s ex-husband and father. COLLABORATION: Abida Raja and author Håkon F. Høydal have had a close collaboration on the book since 2015. Photo: Kristine Hirsti / news The father tells news that he does not want to comment on the book. Raja’s children, like her, must have experienced violence from various family members. – You yourself describe in the book that there is violence against the children. What do you think about it? – That is the biggest mistake I have made. I regret it. I wish I could turn back time and change it. I am ashamed that I have done it. I was also preoccupied with facades, as were my parents when I was growing up, says Raja. She goes on to say that she and the children are there for each other today. – We have our wounds and injuries, but we are there for each other. The lawyer for the ex-husband confirms that there is an ongoing investigation against the ex-husband, and that his client fears that the book will affect the outcome of this case, and that his client denies criminal liability for partner violence and rape charges. Furthermore, he writes that: “My client expresses relief that Abida bravely admits violence against their common child, for which he himself has been convicted. He further expresses a fear that differences in legal practice based on gender and prejudice may work against him.” You can read a longer answer from the ex-husband and the lawyer at the bottom of the case. – Fights daily In the book it is revealed, among other things, that Raja has reached out to public bodies several times for help, including in the 1990s, but that she did not get the help she needed. According to the book, she later refused to help. – I wanted out, but I knew there was not full support. I had lost everything, finances and family. It was the fear of losing everything that was difficult. That horror took up a lot of space. I fight the fear every single day. I try to do things I’m afraid of. During the years I worked on the book, I was very afraid of the day the book would come out, says Raja. – Do you feel free now? – It runs deep. I have lived with it for a long time, but I struggle with it daily. It is not that easy. She says that she has jumped with a parachute to feel the horror and to overcome her fear. – I just want to live an easy and simple life with joy. Thinks the book can help others The fact that Raja now dares to tell his story, believes director Libe Rieber-Mohn of the Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi) can be of great help to others living in similar situations. – Unfortunately, Abida shares her story with young girls and boys living in Norway today. The fact that she dares to tell can mean a lot to many others who don’t dare to tell. Hopefully, it will also lead to more people daring to open up about the reality they live in. Because if not, it is also not possible to get help and follow-up. Rieber-Mohn says that there are large numbers in the dark when it comes to how many live in forced marriages or who are the victims of honor killings, precisely because many do not dare to tell. According to Rieber-Mohn, the support system has been significantly expanded since Raja did not get the help he needed in the 90s. Director Libe Rieber-Mohn in IMDi. Photo: Raheela Chaudhry / Imdi – But that certainly does not mean that we have reached the goal. Forced marriage and honor-related violence do not disappear by themselves. It still requires systematic work on the part of the Norwegian authorities to ensure that as many young girls and boys living in Norway as possible can live free and independent lives. – I hope I can find peace The well-known politician Abid Raja, pays tribute to his sister. He now hopes that everyone will meet her with the same warmth that he experienced being met with when he published his book “My fault” in 2021. – I think the whole of Norway now sees how brave Abida is who has chosen to publish the book. She fronts the fight for freedom on behalf of many. The price she pays is ostracism from the extended family, and that she can never be anonymous again. Ho car will be recognized on the street by everyone, and all famous people know that it can also be a burden, says Abid Raja. Abida Raja says that she has wishes for the future. – I hope I can find peace. Lawyer Javeed H. Shah representing Abida Raja’s ex-husband’s response to the contents of the book: The undersigned refers to the recent launch of Abida Raja’s book, and the subsequent media coverage which also mentions my client (the ex-husband). I usually do not mention ongoing investigative matters in the media, but my client wishes to address the recent media inquiries through this press release. He does not wish to make any further comments beyond this written at this time. My client wishes to point out that he denies criminal responsibility for partner violence and rape charges. He acknowledges that the marriage has had its challenges, and that they therefore divorced in 2015. According to my client, he has lived in good faith that Abida married of her own free will, as she herself expressed to him. Therefore, the information about forced marriage is something he only became aware of in 2020. He refers here to a long marriage with Abida, and their four children. My client experiences Abida as a resourceful woman with a large network. According to him, she is surrounded by people with a legal background and political influence. Therefore, he has also pointed out in dialogue with the police that he finds it unusual that Abida reported him five years after the divorce for conditions he does not recognize, and which have not been documented in any public bodies apart from allegations. He points out that he has lived as her neighbor for the following five years in the period 2015-2020. My client also wishes to express that he is very understanding that the case arouses great media interest. It is understandable as the book is written by someone who belongs to the journalist community in media Norway, and is published by one of the country’s largest publishers, and deals with the family members of one of the most prominent and powerful politicians in the country. But at the same time, he would like to remind that the case should also raise a larger and principled question about the responsibility and role of the media, and in this case the publishing industry, in influencing outcomes in investigations and in criminal cases. He wants to emphasize that when a party has shared subjective experiences over a long period of time, they can quickly be legitimized as absolute. He will therefore urge the media to exercise caution regarding statements until the case has been fully investigated.
