Working from home – Pernille and Oda have cracked the entrepreneur code – news Nordland

– We saved up some capital, so that we had something to go on, but then the salary came faster than expected. From Bodø to Asker. The customers are spread all over Norway. In just two months, the new SoMe agency goes to Pernille Pettersen (26) and Oda Svendgård (24), so things are going fast. – We have hit a market. This is something companies lack and do not have enough expertise in. The young entrepreneurs met each other via an online study and found the tone. And without having met in real life, they decided to start a company together. Today they work at Teams, and live in two different cities. Pernille Pettersen is general manager of the SoMe agency Kræm AS. Together with co-founder Oda Svendgård, they have gotten off to a flying start. Photo: Andreas Trygstad / news Trend after corona According to figures from Statistics Norway, it is more popular than before to start a limited company among highly educated people. There were 12 percent more people and businesses who were entrepreneurs in 2021 compared to 2019, the year before the pandemic. Trine Larsen in the recruitment and consulting firm Hammer & Hanborg, now sees a flourishing of people who want to start for themselves. – It seems that it is a trend that is current now. Trine Larsen is a senior adviser at Hammer & Hanborg and works with recruitment. Photo: Corinne Alice N. Skau She suspects that there may be a post corona effect. And there is one reason in particular why people want to start for themselves. – Greater flexibility. That you want to work more some days and less others, or combine work with travel. For example, being able to sit in another country to work. Larsen says that more and more people also want to navigate working life according to their own values. They will work with a clear conscience. She gives an example: – The other day I had a consultant who turned down an assignment because she was a vegetarian. It did not match the employer who wanted the skills that the employer had set. Lacking role models, Pernille and Oda have gotten off to a flying start. – It comes to a point where we have to put the handbrake on. The journey we have had so far has been completely wild, says Svendgård. They have daily meetings, both digitally and physically, with companies that need help to become visible in social media. But it was not a given that it would go so well. – We lacked female entrepreneurial role models. In the future, we want to be the ones who can show that you can give a damn, quite simply. Dare to bet. It is important that we ladies stick together and support each other, says Svendgård. Today, they are happy that they dared to jump in, and see great benefits from their flexible working days. – We have talked about that we should just go away for a week together to a nice place, and get work done and everything we need to do, says Svendgård. Advises entrepreneurs to get in touch Ingrid Sommerli is a senior advisor at Kunnskapsparken Bodø. There she helps, among other things, with business development and start-ups. – We need more new companies, we need innovation and development for Norway to have a competitive business life. She has one clear piece of advice for those who go with an entrepreneur in their belly. – There are many good helpers out there. So it is important to talk about your idea and contact either your municipality, incubators or Innovation Norway.
