Woman stabbed at Notodden – a man has been charged – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– The police have arrested and charged a man with grievous bodily harm, says task leader Marius Dahle to news on Monday night. The man is in his 20s. The woman was first taken to Notodden Hospital by ambulance – later the woman was taken to UllevĂ„l hospital The extent of the woman’s injuries is currently unknown, the police say, but they assume that the woman is seriously injured. According to Telemarksavisa, the woman suffered several stab wounds. Searched by helicopter – We have quite a few resources. We are also searching with the use of dogs, drones and helicopters, said operations manager Kristian Jonsrud Photo: Lars Erik Ertzgaard Ringen / Lars Erik Ertzgaard Ringen The police cordoned off a large area at the Notodden public transport station in the city centre. According to witnesses news has spoken to, there was also cordon set up around Rallarparken, and at a pedestrian underpass under Europaveg 134. Armed police and the police helicopter circled over the city on Sunday evening. The police are asking for tips in the case. – We would like tips from witnesses who have been to the center and who may have seen something of what happened. The time of the crime is approximately eight minutes past ten, says Operations Manager at South-East Police District Jan Kristian Johnsrud to news. According to witness descriptions, the man is between 18 and 20 years old, wearing a dark jumper and blue trousers. He must have short hair.
