Without a WC organizer at Christmas – chess profiles call it “ridiculous” and “amateur”

Many saw question marks at the International Chess Federation’s handling of the upcoming WC. Still, few are surprised. It is not the first time that a chess championship is without an organizer just months before it starts. – Happens every year Johan-Sebastian Christiansen is a regular feature when the world’s elite play during the WC in blitz and rapid chess. He does not hold back his criticism. UNCERTAIN: Where Johan-Sebastian Christiansen will travel to participate in the WC is still unclear. Photo: CHRISTIAN KRÅKENES / news – It is simply hopeless and amateurish. It’s like this every year and I really don’t understand why. It ruins it for so many players. Don’t waste too much on precautions, but there is an incredible amount of control if it ends up in a country with visa requirements, says Christiansen to news. He is supported by chess colleague Aryan Tari. – As usual, we still don’t know which country will host, which is ridiculous. As players, we are used to it not being announced until a couple of weeks before the tournament. It happens every year and has become a tradition, says Tari, who plans to participate. news’s ​​chess expert, Torstein Bae, also thinks that the International Chess Federation (FIDE) is weak. CULTURE: Bae thinks it could be about culture: – One will come up with this in November, even December. But we have seen before that it works out, he says. Photo: Erik Johansen / NTB – Unfortunately, that’s how it usually is in the chess world. If this were another sport, the circumstances would be completely different. Then one would be worried. – Obviously unable to reach a conclusion until they have the knife at their throats Getting this in place at least six months before, minimum, should be possible, Bae believes. – Why don’t you think they can do it? – That is a good question. It’s not like the organizers are queuing up. I think it has something to do with the fact that the prize money is so high, which again makes it difficult to find a host country. Nevertheless, one can imagine that when one finally manages to find an organizer, one would have managed to land it a little earlier, he says. WC ARENA: Last year Magnus Carlsen won both world championships in Almaty in Kazakhstan. The year before, Warsaw was the WC arena, but there were no Norwegian cheers. Photo: PAVEL MIKHEYEV / Reuters He sees that most of the players draw anyway, and thinks it has to do with the fact that the prize money is so high. – The International Chess Federation does not want it to be late, but they obviously cannot reach a conclusion until they have a knife to their throat, it seems, says Bae. news has tried to get a comment from Fide in this case, but has not received a reply. The big boy Kjell Madland is chairman of Norway Chess, and would like to organize a chess World Cup sometime in the future. – There are requirements when it comes to championships. You must have an organization or a system so you know how to arrange it. There is a lot that needs to be in place, he says. GOOD DIALOGUE: Madland says that they have had good communication with FIDE for several years. Photo: NTB Madland believes the budget can reach something approaching NOK 25 million. – The financing is the big bend. It is a relatively large budget for such an event. There will be an extra 25 per cent just because of the currency, so it is a bit demanding, he says. A good collaboration helps to make the practical things a little easier during a championship. There are some logistics that must be in place. – We need good locations with hotels and gaming venues, and also transport to and from the airport, says the chairman. Johan-Sebastian Christiansen does not know where he is going, but is keeping the month of December open to have everything ready for the WC. Whatever it may be. – Can you participate wherever it is? – It will work out no matter where it is, but there will be an incredible amount of stress if there are visa requirements, as I said. It has been like this in the past and then it barely worked, he says and adds: – It prevents me from traveling abroad in December as well. In that I have to wait and see where it turns out. If I have to have a visa, I have to hand in my passport. So it just creates a lot of unnecessary distraction.
