Two international legal cases against Russia – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Both media refer to anonymous sources who are said to have good knowledge of this case. The sources are not authorized to comment publicly on developments. Before the first arrest warrants can be issued, the charges must be presented to a panel of judges. The judges must decide whether the legal groundwork is good enough, or whether more evidence is required. Abduction of children The first of the two trials concerns the accusations that Russia has abducted thousands of Ukrainian children and young people. This could be the first case that the International Criminal Court initiates against Russia after the Russians started the war against Ukraine. SHOWING: A family in Russia has taken in several Ukrainian children. At least 6,000 children from Ukraine are said to have been held in 43 camps in Russia. This is according to a report published by Yale University and The conflict observatory program of the US State department. Ukrainian authorities said in March that there may be more than 16,000 abducted children. – There has been a lot of focus on this case. Pursuing it as a crime will lead to a lot of reactions, says Mark Ellis to the New York Times. He heads the International Bar Association. He emphasizes that it is forbidden to send civilians across a border by force, and during a conflict it can be a war crime. Priority matter The Russian authorities have made no secret of the fact that many Ukrainian children have come to Russia. They have referred to what is happening as a humanitarian action to protect orphaned or abandoned Ukrainian children. IN UKRAINE: Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan (th), was in Kyiv last month. Photo: VALENTYN OGIRENKO / Reuters Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, was in Kyiv last month. He then said that the illegal transfer of children to Russia or occupied territories in Ukraine is a priority for investigators. Not legitimate targets The second case that the court is preparing concerns the accusations that the Russian occupation forces are constantly attacking civilian infrastructure. This applies to water supply, gas and electricity supply. CRUEL WAR: Many civilian targets have been hit by Russian bombs and rockets during the year the war has lasted. Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka / AP These are far from the combat zone and are not seen as legitimate military targets. Russian authorities deny that they are attacking civilian targets, and claim that the purpose of the attacks is to weaken the Ukrainians’ fighting ability. Who is being accused? According to Reuters, there is now strong pressure on the court in the Netherlands to speed up the cases. The New York Times asked the court about who could be charged and received this answer: – We do not discuss ongoing cases publicly. RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA: A poster in Sevastopol on the Crimean peninsula reads: “The West does not need Russia, we need Russia”. Photo: ALEXEY PAVLISHAK / Reuters Avisa writes that diplomats and experts believe that President Vladimir Putin may be prosecuted. The Court does not recognize immunity for heads of state in cases involving war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Possible stumbling blocks It is not clear which other Russian leaders may be prosecuted. However, the International Criminal Court cannot initiate cases against accused persons who are not present. And it is highly unlikely that Russia will extradite any of its elderly. On the Western side, many leaders believe that the court will go ahead, because even arrest warrants will have significant symbolic value. In addition, some Western countries and organizations want a new international court to be established. There it will be possible to convict Russian leaders for starting the war of aggression against Ukraine.
