This is how traffic in Southern Norway and Eastern Norway is affected by the weather – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

On Thursday, it is expected that the weather will vary greatly in southern and eastern Norway. There can be both stays, snow and freezing rain. – There are large local variations. Everything from snow-covered to bare tracks, to wet on the road and also some snow, says traffic operator Mette Brunæs. – Is it safe to take the car to work today? – Yes, but if you are not comfortable driving in winter conditions, then this is the day you can leave the car, says the traffic operator. The Norwegian Meteorological Institute has issued a yellow danger warning for snow for the inner regions of Eastern Norway. – 25-40 cm of snow is expected. The snow line is expected to be between 400-600 meters in the middle of the day. There may be up to 40 centimeters of snow in some places. Photo: Meteorological Institute No incidents in East Currently, no incidents have been reported to the Road Traffic Center East. They cover Viken, Oslo and Innlandet. – But snow and rain have been reported for the whole day, so we have to prepare for difficult driving conditions, says Brunæs. It is important to be properly shod if you are going out on the roads. – If you still haven’t got winter tires on the car, just let them get them. Keep a good distance to the car in front, and calculate extra time today. This is what it looks like on the E18 in Tønsberg on Thursday morning. Photo: Philip Hofgaard / news Column driving on mountain passes On Thursday morning, column driving has been introduced for all vehicles on highway 7 Hardangervidda due to bad weather. The road was initially closed due to the weather conditions. The Swedish Road Traffic Center reports that they will come up with a new assessment at 10.00 a.m. There is also convoy driving on the E134 Haukelifjell.
