Thieves drove into the premises of a jeweler in Drammen – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The police moved out on the night of Monday following a report of a serious theft from a jeweler’s shop at the shopping center on Krokstadelva in Drammen. – We received a report that a car had backed into the main entrance. When we arrived at the scene, we discovered that there had been a break-in at a jeweller’s shop, says operations manager Per Arne Amundsen in the South-East police district to news. The police were alerted by a passer-by at 3.25am. A small black car is said to have been used to drive into the jeweller’s premises. Afterwards, the thieves disappeared in this car and in a gray or white van. – We are searching the area and investigating whether there is video footage at the site. We have several police patrols on site, says Amundsen. At 4.40 on the night of Monday, the police did not have an overview of what the thieves got from the break-in. – We have not been in contact with the owner of the store yet, so it is a bit early to say, says the operations manager.
