– They could have saved themselves for that – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– It is clear that there may be some who are a little hurt because it is the Norwegian national team kit. They could have spared themselves that, says news’s ​​football expert Åge Hareide. Already on Sunday, Denmark will open the football European Championship against Slovenia. At the same time, our national team is at home, and the Danes would like to remind us of that. With just two days before it breaks loose for the Danes, the national team chose to publish a jab at Norway on their accounts on social media. On both Instagram and Facebook, they posted a video of what happened when the Danish national team had to take a team photo for the championship. SUCCESS: Åge Hareide was very successful as Denmark coach. Here with Simon Kjær and Christian Eriksen after a match against Kazakhstan in 2016. Photo: îlafur Steinar Gestsson / NTB scanpix While almost the entire team was ready to take a picture, Rasmus Højlund suddenly appeared in a Norway kit with the number eight on the chest. The 21-year-old shooting star had donned Sander Berge’s suit for the occasion, and smiled brightly on the way to his team-mates. – That’s exactly what I don’t think too much about – that a player comes in with a different national team kit than the Danish one, says Hareide and continues: – You shouldn’t harass any country or kit. One must have respect for each individual nation’s uniform and achievements. – Boy’s fun Soon after, the images cut to Højlund putting the suit on the head of Manchester United team-mate Christian Eriksen. The latter picks up the suit and throws it out of the picture. At the same time, he shouts “trash bin”. Roughly translated; trash can. THROWING THE SUIT: Here, Christian Eriksen has rolled up his suit and is about to throw it away. Photo: Denmark’s men’s national team – Regardless of the national team uniform he had come in, he (Eriksen) would have said the same thing. It is not special since it is Norway. Christian is not like that, says Hareide. He led the Danes between 2015 and 2020, taking them to both the EC and WC. Throughout the period, he became a beloved man in Denmark. He doesn’t think the stunt is malicious. – I think it’s just boyish fun. I don’t think it’s anything malicious. They just want to have fun with Norway, and I can understand that – Norway has to sit at home while they go to the European Championship. – Shows respect for Norway The Danes stubbornly claim that there was no harassment of the Norwegian national team kit that took place when they were supposed to take the team photo. – On the contrary, it shows respect for Norway, that Højlund has kept the jersey as a souvenir after the match. During the team photo, he creates a bit of fun with his teammates by showing up in a different shirt than the Danish one, writes the Danish Football Association in a reply to news. They say that Eriksen’s trash can stab was ironic. – Eriksen continues the fun with clear irony, no attack at all. When you watch the entire video, you can see that the atmosphere is fun and informal, and without bad intentions. We hope news can also see that, they conclude. WORKED CLOSELY: Åge Hareide and Christian Eriksen worked closely together. Here from Hareide, Eriksen interviewed in 2022. Photo: Roy Kenneth S Jacobsen / news Published 15.06.2024, at 10.57
