The Wagner group with progress in Bakhmut – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Recently, there has been great uncertainty about the balance of power in and around the strategically important city of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine. Two days ago, Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maljar said that the situation at the front is “completely under control”. On Friday morning, British intelligence reported that Russian forces are threatening Ukraine’s main supply line into Bakhmut, and that they have moved into the center of the city. It didn’t take long before the response came from the Ukrainian authorities: according to them, Russia has made some progress, but says it has cost them dearly. Russia has for a long time tried to take control of Bakhmut and other towns in eastern Ukraine. The reports spread There have been daily attacks against the towns of Bakhmut, Lyman, Avdiivka and Marjinka. Both sides have suffered heavy losses in bloody battles, and the messages from both sides are spreading. The Wagner group has claimed to be in control – Ukrainian authorities have denied this. In addition, there is a realistic possibility that regular Russian forces and the mercenaries of the Wagner group have managed to put their differences aside, at least locally, says the daily update from the British Ministry of Defence: – In recent days, Russian forces have probably managed to get some momentum back in the fight for Bakhmut. According to Reuters, a spokesperson for the Ukrainian defense says that it still has control over the city: – Russian forces are concentrating all their resources on taking Bakhmut, but have not had any strategic success, and have suffered significant losses, the spokesperson told Reuters. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited soldiers on the front near Bakhmut two weeks ago. Zelenskyj: – Very difficult. Furthermore, they write that Russia has probably moved into the center of the city, and occupied the western bank of the Bakhmutka river. An important supply line west of the city is also said to be threatened by Russian forces. On Wednesday, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy characterized the situation in Bakhmut as “very, very difficult”, according to NTB. And it is precisely the supply to the city that worried the president, especially considering the access to ammunition. – But we are in Bakhmut, and the enemy does not control Bakhmut, Zelenskyj said. Earlier in the week, the leader of the Russian Wagner group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, claimed that they had raised the Russian flag in the city’s administration building. The flag will have an inscription in memory of the Russian military blogger Vladen Tatarsky, who was killed on Sunday,
