The top leaders of China, Russia and the USA are not at the peace summit about the war in Ukraine in Switzerland – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– It is a meeting out of the ordinary, as many countries come together to share experiences, so that Ukraine can stand stronger, says Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. He met news outside the prime minister’s residence in Oslo before leaving for the peace summit on the Ukraine war in Switzerland. – The meeting is the result of a year and a half of work to try to gather input and support for what is needed to achieve peace, he says. The peace summit in Switzerland Representatives from 91 other countries are participating this weekend in the summit on Ukraine’s future, which will take place at the luxury hotel Bürgenstock by Lake Vierwaldstätter in Switzerland. The conference takes place on the initiative of Ukraine and with Switzerland as organizer and host country. In particular, the issues of nuclear safety, food safety and the return of deported children, other civilians and prisoners of war must be addressed. Source: NTB. – Our job is to look for hope and solutions Støre and leaders from over 90 countries and organizations are now meeting high above Lake Lucerne in Switzerland. Several of the world’s most powerful leaders are conspicuous by their absence. Neither Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin nor Xi Jinping will come to the meeting. – I interpret it to mean that China is to a much stronger extent a supporting player for Russia. It is a heavy responsibility they are taking on, he says. The expectations that the meeting will lead to a significant step towards peace are low, writes the BBC. Jonas Gahr Støre photographed outside the prime minister’s residence before leaving for Switzerland. Photo: news Researcher at the Institute for Peace Research Kristian Berg Harpviken has followed the run-up to this weekend’s meeting. The conference has evolved from being the major breakthrough for Ukraine’s positions in the war, to “diplomatically quite on the defensive”, he says. – For Ukraine, it is now in many ways about saving the stumps, says Harpviken. The fact that China does not send a delegation to the conference is very disappointing for Zelenskyj, he says. – China does not even send a representative from the embassy in Switzerland. For Ukraine, it is important to get a final statement from the meeting, which shows that they have broad international support, says Harpviken. Bürgenstock Resort, the hotel where the meeting will be held. Photo: Denis Balibouse / Reuters Switzerland and Ukraine have disagreed on whether Russia should be allowed to participate in the meeting. – When Switzerland agreed to host the meeting at the end of last year, they demanded that Ukraine bring the Russians into the negotiation room. Eventually, Switzerland agreed that the Russians should not be allowed to participate in this weekend’s meeting, but that Ukraine should come up with a “credible mechanism” to get Russia into the process at some point, says Harpviken. – It has not actually materialized and shows how difficult this is. With this prospect, Støre will meet the President of Ukraine and other heads of state to discuss how they can find a peaceful solution to the war in Ukraine. Photo: Sunday, June 16, 2024. (Urs Flueeler / AP Norway will especially work with abducted Ukrainians Jonas Gahr Støre believes the meeting can give Ukraine greater security, support and a framework for preparing for the end of the war. He clarifies that it is not a meeting where the participating countries will make decisions. But that there will be state leaders from all over the world, who will both support Ukraine and share experiences on how to find a solution to such a complicated conflict. The Prime Minister says that Norway in particular will work on how Ukraine can get “Several thousand civilians who have been abducted to Russia, including children, but also the exchange of prisoners of war,” says Støre Russia does not participate, Støre replies that war is hopeless. “Our job is to look for hope and solutions,” says Støre. Yesterday, President Vladimir Putin came up with his own peace proposal. He said they would end the war if Ukraine handed over four Russian-occupied provinces in Donbas to Russia and withdrew its application for NATO membership. Jonas Gahr Støre calls Putin’s proposal unreasonable. – Putin is recording it to set the agenda for the meeting, I think. These are totally unreasonable demands, says Støre. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy does not trust that Russia will stop fighting, even if these demands are met. – This is an ultimatum that is no different from previous messages from there, says Zelenskyj. NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg also rejects the proposal, writes NTB. – This is not a peace proposal, but a proposal that will lead to even more occupation of Ukrainian land, says Stoltenberg. Published 15.06.2024, at 14.45
