The sunglasses Moxnes stole were found in the luggage without a price tag – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Bjørnar Moxnes admitted on Friday afternoon to having been caught for theft at Oslo Airport around two weeks ago. He has adopted a fine of NOK 3,000, and called the incident an embarrassment to Romerikes Blad, which first reported the theft. In a statement to several media, Moxnes said that he had no intention of taking the sunglasses from the tax free shop at Gardermoen. – My desire has been to make up for myself. I’ve walked out of a shop with glasses without paying, so even if it wasn’t on purpose, it’s neatest that way. According to news’s ​​information, Moxnes first put the item, a pair of Hugo Boss sunglasses worth NOK 1,199, into his jacket pocket. He then left the store without paying. Around half an hour later, he was stopped outside the shop. The sunglasses were then packed away in Moxne’s luggage. The price tag had been removed, news is told. Moxnes has not responded to news’s ​​repeated inquiries on Friday evening about the information. However, he has allowed himself to be interviewed by VG, and wrote a Facebook post about the incident. Says he panicked – I was at Gardermoen on a private trip on my way to a wedding. In one of the shops I looked at sunglasses, and brought a pair I liked and wondered if I should buy, which I put on top of my luggage in the luggage trolley, while my boyfriend and I looked at other glasses. – It was here that at some point I must have thought that it was my own glasses or didn’t think at all and put them in my pocket, writes Moxnes in the post. Furthermore, Moxnes says that he himself discovered the glasses in his pocket, and that this caused him to panic. – I panicked and was afraid of how it would look if I went back to the shop – what would they think of me? Would they believe me? – I should have gone straight back and delivered the glasses, instead I tore off the note and put the glasses in my luggage. news has confirmed that there is surveillance video of the incident. – I never had time to think what to do next with all this, because afterwards a guard came over and asked for the glasses. I was incredibly embarrassed. Then there was no room for any excuses, you just had to accept the consequences. Believes he acted with intent. The incident was reported to the police, and Moxnes was therefore sent a fine of NOK 3,000 today. Police attorney Ole-Martin Gurandsrud has confirmed to news that they believe that Moxnes stole the sunglasses on purpose, i.e. on purpose. Lawyer and former FRP politician Ove Vanebo believes that news’s ​​information makes the theft appear more serious than it first appeared. – I have to make reservations as I have not seen it, but it is the case that in many cases where illegalities occur, most people will deny that something has happened that is against the law. Then it will often be the case that the police have to deal with the more external circumstances. Vanebo does not think the case can bring down Moxnes as party leader. – But if this had been one of the other party leaders, do you think that their career as party leader would have been over? – I think it would soon be! Especially if the party had fronted that one should be very tough on theft of private property. I don’t think Sylvi Listhaug or Erna Solberg would have come out of it very well. – I don’t think that the Red voter thinks it’s okay, but I think that the assessments of what kind of consequences it will have will perhaps be a little different.
