– The Storting has slept for an hour – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Fishing quotas provide valuable access to harvest the community’s resources. The legislation states that quotas must benefit coastal communities, and not be a security for trade. But fishing quotas are big business. news was able to show how fishing owner Carl Aamodt (33) sold quotas and boats he never used. He often owned the allowances for a few days, before they were sold on. In total, Aamodt earned NOK 272 million outside of fish between 2016 and 2021. Carl Aamodt (33) has become one of Norway’s largest fish breeders in just a few years. Photo: Tomm W. Christiansen / Dagens Næringsliv This causes SV deputy leader Torgeir Knag Fylkesnes to react. – This is a clear example that fishing quotas have become a commodity on the same level as securities on the stock exchange, he says, and adds: – It is completely contrary to the intention of the fisheries policy, which is that quotas should benefit the coastal communities and create employment. Torgeir Knag Fylkesnes, deputy chairman of SV. Photo: Jørn Inge Johansen / news – Necessary and a success Aamodt replies that the system of purchase and sale quotas has been necessary and is a success. – For us fishermen, both vessels and fishing rights are expensively bought assets in the companies’ accounts. As one of the country’s youngest fishing boat owners, I am concerned on behalf of both young and old if Knag Fylkesnes still does not recognize this, he writes in an email. Fishing quotas must be registered on a boat. Among other things, Aamodt bought quotas for the fishing boat “Topsy”. But the boat was then towed to the shipyard. Topsy had quotas registered on it after Aamodt had sent it to the chopper. Photo: Scandinavian Tug Service AS / Facebook Aamodt has owned many boats that were never used, and several boats have changed hands between him and other shipowners several times. He has pointed to what he believes to be a square set of regulations. He says that the industry must be open to developing the system. But he adds: – The basic system and marketability have been clearly necessary and a success, for both large and small fishermen. The Fisheries Minister does not want to answer Fisheries Minister Bjørnar Skjæran from the Labor Party does not want to be interviewed about the matter. Fisheries Minister Bjørnar Skjæran has been asked to comment on trades such as Aamodt’s. He doesn’t want that. Photo: Ksenia Novikova / news He believes it is natural to first answer a question from Rødt’s Geir Jørgensen in the Storting. – It is weak of the fisheries minister not to comment on this, says Jørgensen himself. The Red politician is calling for action from the government. – The main problem is that over the years we have seen that fishing quotas are centralised, and they accumulate on a few individuals. Fishing communities, of which we have quite a few, will then be left without boats and activity. Fisherman and parliamentary representative for Rødt, Geir Jørgensen. Photo: Elise Pedersen / news Quota prices are to a very small extent the result of transactions, Aamodt responds to what Jørgensen says. – The quota prices are a result of good earnings and expectations in the sector, which is positive for the coastal communities. – The Storting has slept during the hour news has previously shown how increased quota prices have helped to create an explosive increase in debt among fishermen. At the same time, a bunch of fish owners have earned billions when they have sold the quotas. It has happened at the same time that the Storting has adopted several changes that make it easier to buy and sell allowances. – I believe that the Storting has slept through the hour and not taken enough action to ensure that the regulations are in line with the intentions of the legislation, says Knag Fylkesnes. Olve Grotle in the Conservative Party. Photo: Kjetil Ree / Wikipedia The Conservative Party’s fisheries policy spokesperson, Olve Grotle, believes that the current quota system works well. – It is not my opinion that this represents a kind of normalcy in fisheries management. Rather, I think that this is an exception. The Norwegian Fishermen’s Association is the country’s largest organization for fishermen. They believe that trading in quotas has been important in achieving a profitable industry. – The type of transactions that news describes has been common in the fishing industry. We have seen that for decades. It is both normal and permissible, says Secretary General Sverre Johansen. The Fishermen’s Association has supported the relaxations that have been made regarding the purchase and sale of fishing quotas, says the general secretary of the Fishermen’s Association, Sverre Johansen. Photo: JOSEF BENONI NESS TVEIT / news He says that it is common for companies to buy and sell assets. – What makes the fishing industry special is that this turnover is regulated. The transactions must meet clear requirements and be approved by the authorities. Hello! Do you have input for us? Do you know more about this case or other matters in the fishing industry that news should investigate? Feel free to contact us by e-mail, telephone or encrypted via SignalFredrik Kampevoll: +47 41 767 111 Line Plots: +47 971 50 094
