The state administrator announces a conclusion on the refugee decision by the end of March – news Buskerud – Local news, TV and radio

There were steep fronts on Tuesday between the politicians in Drammen. In the end, the majority agreed that they prefer Ukrainians, because they believe they are easier to include. The case is now on the table of the State Administrator, who will carry out a legality check. – It follows from our internal routines on legality checks that we must process the case within one month of receiving further information from the municipality, writes department director Hege Skaanes Nyhus in the legal department at the State Administrator in Oslo and Viken in an email to NTB. As the director of the municipality has had until 28 February to explain the legal aspects of the decision, the State Administrator has finished his processing by the end of March at the latest. On Wednesday, the State Administrator announced that they were to carry out a legality check on the decision. It involves checking that the decision has been taken by the right authority, that the procedural rules have been followed and that the decision has a legal content, according to Nyhus. One in four cases is canceled If there are so-called special reasons, the Ministry of Local Government and Modernization can, on its own initiative, check whether a municipal decision is legal. This authority is delegated to the state administrators. – We receive somewhere between 30 and 50 such requests annually, but few of these end up with a full legality check, says Nyhus. Hege Skaane’s New House in the State Trustee in Oslo and Viken. Photo: Amalie Henden / news In the cases where they carry out a legality check, on average 25 per cent of the cases end with the municipality’s decision being annulled as invalid. Støre strongly against the decision Many, including Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap), have reacted strongly to the decision from Drammen. – I believe that we cannot have it this way, that 350 municipalities in Norway must choose which conflict they will accept people from. Then we will lose the good system we have today, where we ensure good settlement of refugees, Støre told news on Wednesday. Simon Nordanger, group leader for the Center Party in Drammen, has also been a sharp critic of the proposal and has now reported to the municipal council. He believes it violates both the Discrimination Act and the Constitution.
