The Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi has been set free – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Her face is painted on the wall that separates Israel and the occupied West Bank in Bethlehem. Tamimi has resisted the Israeli forces on her side of the fence since she was a small child. She was arrested in a raid on November 6, and has been imprisoned for almost three weeks without access to legal aid, her lawyer told the New York Times. It is the mother Nariman Tamimi who filmed the clash that went viral in 201 Since the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas started on Friday, there have been a number of exchanges of Palestinian prisoners and Israeli hostages. Last night, Tamimi was one of 30 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prisons who were released. In exchange, Hamas released 16 Israeli hostages. The ceasefire, which involves an agreement on prisoner exchanges, is in its seventh day. Ahed Tamimi and her mother Nariman Tamimi in Ramallah on the occupied West Bank early Thursday morning. Photo: John MACDOUGALL / AFP “Lioness” Tamimi has been nicknamed “the lioness” after demonstrations and several clashes with the Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank. As a 14-year-old, she bit a soldier in the Israeli Defense Forces on the hand while he was trying to arrest her brother. As a 16-year-old, she gave eye candy to a soldier during a demonstration, and was imprisoned for six months. Here, Tamimi (second from left) and her family are denied access to their home when the Halamish settlement was expanded in 2012. Photo: ABBAS MOMANI / AFP She later said that the soldiers had shot her cousin in the head just before her mother filmed the incident. After she was released in 2018, she wrote an autobiography and traveled around Europe and the Middle East to participate in demonstrations. But on 6 November this year, she was imprisoned again. In a court hearing as recently as Monday, it was decided that she should be imprisoned indefinitely. Israel believes she has incited acts of terrorism in a recent Instagram post. Tamimi (left) bites an Israeli soldier while trying to arrest her brother (bottom). Photo: ABBAS MOMANI / AFP Refers to threats on social media Since the Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have carried out a series of raids and arrests in the West Bank. They claim the purpose is to prevent further terrorist attacks, but the attacks have also led to strong reactions from humanitarian organisations. Mother Nariman Tamimi shows a picture of her daughter Ahed after her imprisonment early on 6 November this year. Photo: JAAFAR ASHTIYEH / AFP Tamimi was arrested during one of these just under a month after the attack, after the post appeared on social media. It should have read: – We are waiting for dives in all the cities on the West Bank, from Hebron to Jenin. We will slaughter you and they will say that what Hitler did to you was a joke. – We will drink your blood and eat your skulls. Come on, we’re waiting for you to dive. Tamimi’s family insists, according to AP, that she did not write these words. Her mother claims the account was exposed to a computer attack. A painting by Tamimi on the separation wall in Bethlehem. Photo: HAZEM BADER / AFP The post is no longer visible in the app, and the account with Tamimi’s name and photo where it was published has been removed, reports AFP. Criticized for prison practice Israel’s use of so-called “administrative detention” has been criticized from many quarters as a violation of International Law. This means that a number of Palestinians have been held as prisoners in Israel without having any charges against them, writes the Washington Post. Israel has carried out several raids on the West Bank since the war started. Here are the IDF’s military vessels inside Tubas on Tuesday 28 November. Photo: RANEEN SAWAFTA / Reuters The authorities believe that this way of imprisoning people is preventive and necessary to safeguard national security. But under the People’s Court it is only allowed to use this type of detention in “exceptional circumstances”. Middle East expert at the University of Oslo Erling Lorentzen Sogge tells news that at least 3,000 Palestinians are held in this way by Israeli authorities, if one counts “the most conservative counts”. Many of the Palestinians currently imprisoned in Israel are children. Photo: FADEL SENNA / AFP – Those on the right are often very harsh. Many are exposed to violence, torture and psychological blackmail. – Especially for young Palestinians, there are often threats that they will take their families if they do not hand over the speech they want. Imprison more people than they set free Sogge believes that the release of Tamimi is mainly symbolic. – Tamimi is a symbol that the Palestinians who live in the West Bank are unruly. That they refuse to submit to Israel’s occupation is self-evident and they do not fear Israel. – In this sense, it will be a symbolic cost for Israel to release such a prisoner. There is still no guarantee that Tamimi or others like her will not be arrested again in a week, even if they are released in a prisoner and hostage exchange. Erling Lorentzen Sogge is senior lecturer at the Middle Eastern studies at UiO. – Now it is also important to emphasize how many Palestinians are actually arrested in the West Bank. This is far more than those who are released from Israeli captivity. Regarding the Instagram post that Israel believes was written by Tamimi, Sogge will not say whether the text is real or not. – There are many Ahed Tamimi accounts on Instagram, so that could be a plausible explanation. But the IDF is clear that it is she who is behind it, and that she has then incited terror and violence. We cannot ignore the fact that she wrote it. – Regardless of what is true, it is not surprising that the IDF is keeping a close eye on such a young and high-profile activist.
