The municipalities receive 1.7 billion after the extreme weather “Hans”

The government announced on Thursday that it is allocating NOK 1.7 million to the municipalities that were affected by the extreme weather “Hans”. Municipal and District Minister Erling Sande (Sp) tells news that the municipalities have had large expenses related to the extreme weather. – It would be completely unreasonable if they were to sit alone with the bill. That is why the government and the community are standing up. We do it so that the municipalities are covered for the expenses they have had in connection with the handling of the extreme weather, but also the clean-up afterwards, he says. Municipal and District Minister Erling Sande (Sp). Photo: Nadir Mohammad Alam / news – Major damages According to Sande, the money is granted in the current annual budget, but must also be able to be transferred to the 2024 budget year. – Municipalities that have already applied, or that will apply in the near future, will be compensated for the expenses through discretionary funds with the state administrators. Many local communities experienced damage to roads, buildings and other important infrastructure. There are major damages that cost a lot of money, he says. Digitalization and Administration Minister Karianne Tung (Ap) also emphasizes that there has been major damage. – We are now allocating a significant sum to repair the damage that has occurred. We are concerned that the municipalities should be able to provide good services to their citizens, and that the costs associated with the extreme weather should not go beyond this, she says. Minister for Digitization and Administration Karianne Tung (Ap). Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB Cannot be used for prevention or standard raising Norwegian Natural Damage Pool has previously estimated that the costs associated with “Hans” are around NOK 1.8 billion. In a press release, the government writes that the need for money is far greater than the current allocations allow to cover, based on applications from the municipalities and county councils. According to the government, the money now allocated can be used to cover costs for reconstruction to the original standard, but not for standard increases or preventive measures. More and more extreme weather is expected in Norway in the coming years. In this year’s state budget, the government has allocated NOK 500,000 million for flood and landslide protection. When asked whether the government will increase investment in this area in the future, Sande replies: – It is of course important now to clean up and repair the damage after the extreme weather. And then it will be an important job in the future to have a stronger effort to prevent damage as a result of future extreme weather.
