The Geminid meteor shower at its strongest on the night of Wednesday – news Nordland

– This is one of the safest meteor showers of the year. That’s what Steinar Midtskogen in the Norwegian Meteor Network says. Because if you like shooting stars, you should look up and look at the sky tonight. Although the Geminid meteor shower started around December 7 this year, it is at its most powerful on the night of December 14. Then the frequency will be up to 150 shooting stars per hour. Contains stone The Geminids were first observed around 150 years ago, and appear to have originated in the constellation Gemini. The swarm is named after the Latin, scientific name for the Twins (Gemini). There are several things that distinguish the Geminids from other meteor showers. Steinar Midtskogen is the camera manager in the Norwegian Meteor Network. If the conditions are good, he himself is thinking of taking a trip out to observe the Geminid meteor shower. Photo: Privat Midtskogen says that this meteor shower mostly contains rock. – Usually such meteor swarms are just lumps of ice. When it is stone instead, it becomes much more powerful. In addition, the Geminids become more powerful year by year. Scientists do not know why the asteroid forms shooting stars. But it is speculated that it comes so close to the sun in its orbit that it dries out, cracks and emits dust particles, according to Illustrert Vitenskap. Lots of clouds over Norway Meteorologist on duty Rannveig Eikill says that there are few places that will have good weather conditions for meteor shower viewing tonight. – Both Finnmark, Troms and large parts of Nordland and Trøndelag will get some clouds. The Geminids above Lofoten. The picture was taken in Laukvik on 14 December 2012. Photo: Thommy Dahl Olsen Although the snow has covered Bergen in the last night, the meteorologist says there is a good chance that it will clear up in Western Norway by tonight. Southern Norway and Eastern Norway will not have optimal conditions either. Here, there will also be snow flurries in the evening. Steinar Midtskogen says that the best thing you can do to get optimal conditions is to find a place with as little light pollution as possible. – This meteor shower is visible for most of the night, if the conditions are right. You usually don’t have to wait more than a few minutes before you see a shooting star. Occasionally they may even come every few seconds.
