The “bicycle highway” is becoming even more expensive – now the price tag is close to 2 billion

– Everything rises, but at the same time: Such a large exceedance was a shock, says Sola mayor Tom Henning Slethei (Frp). He and the others in the steering group for the so-called Urban Environment Package, which the cycle path is under, were presented on Tuesday with even higher costs than so far announced. The plans in 2008 imply a price tag of NOK 200 million. Since then, the road has grown in scope. In 2017, it would cost 1.3 billion. In 2020, just over 13 kilometers of cycle path between Sandnes and Stavanger would cost NOK 1.4 billion. Not just asphalt The asphalt itself only makes up about 10 percent of the price, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration has previously told news. Compensation for accidental land ownership, relocation of cables, rerouting of drains and bridges and transitions to divert traffic to the motorway costs the most. Stavanger Aftenblad wrote about the cost gap first. It is between the new fire station in Stavanger and Sørmarka in the same city that it occurs. The reason is, among other things, more concrete constructions, and that the prices of steel and concrete have skyrocketed. There are several bicycle tunnels that became more expensive than expected and increased costs for engineering. Both county mayor Marianne Chesak (Labor Party) and Sola mayor Tom Henning Slethei (Frp) say they are surprised by the cost gap on the cycle trunk road. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news Førebels ends the crack at NOK 382 million. – We must find out who is responsible and why it has not been notified earlier. Certainly not, the steering group does not have the steering they should have. I expect that someone will be held responsible for such a cost overrun, says Slethei. The county mayor: Surprise The steering group is hired by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. In addition to the Norwegian Railway Directorate and the State Administrator in Rogaland, the mayors of Stavanger, Sandnes, Sola and Randaberg are involved. The same is the county mayor of Rogaland, Marianne Chesak (Labor). – I was surprised by such a large crack so late in the project, she says. The cycle path is also called the cycle trunk road in bureaucratic terms. The use of money is both loved and hated, and several motorists are skeptical that it is tolls from the road that will pay for the road to those who want to cycle. It rejects Chesak. – Project must stay within its framework. This also applies to the cycle trunk road. It will not be financed with tolls, it will be financed with state funds. It is important that there is a porch that way, she says. External people will look at possible cuts The group members received an oral briefing on Tuesday. The case is on the agenda for the next meeting. Work is being done to see how costs can be cut. Kari Smådal Turøy is a project leader in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. She says the work will be done by someone who has not worked on the project until now. Kari Smådal Turøy, project leader in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Photo: Erik Waage / news – We will have an external value analysis. They will go through the project with a magnifying glass, and they will not have a relationship with it before, says Turøy. She says they have really tried, and found some savings. Nevertheless, the gap will be 382 million and the new total price 1907 million kroner. – The situation in the world is uncertain. We are experiencing a cost week, and that can come into play, she says.
