Sentenced to 15 years in custody for online abuse of 52 children – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

In the judgment from Buskerud district court, it is stated that the man is sentenced to 15 years’ detention with a minimum term of ten years. It was Dagbladet that mentioned the judgment first. Pleaded guilty in court The man answered yes more than 50 times when he was asked in the district court by the judge if he pleaded guilty. He pleaded guilty to all counts of gross online abuse of very young children. In front of the computer screen in an apartment in the Drammen area, he allegedly tricked the children into performing gross sexual acts. According to the indictment, the man pretended to be an underage girl. He then allegedly tricked the children into performing sexual acts for him. Several times he will make recordings and save the images on his computer. The children belong in Norway, Sweden and Finland. All the assaults are said to have taken place within a few months last year. The police became suspicious of the man after receiving a tip about the sharing of sexualized images of children on Snapchat. After locating the IP address from which the images were shared, the police swooped. The man has also previously been sentenced for a similar relationship. – Exploiting the children’s curiosity Vibeke Gjone Bille is the co-ordinating legal aid lawyer for the victims. During the trial, she told news that the young age of the victims makes the case special. – He has taken advantage of children’s natural exploration of their own bodies and made them commit offenses online. The children’s vulnerable and young age makes this particularly serious, says Bille. The man’s defender is lawyer Anders Green. During the trial in Drammen, Green said that his client is cooperating with the police, and that he is sorry and ashamed of what he has done to the victims. – He is prepared to take the punishment that the court thinks is right and fair. He is ready to take responsibility for the actions he has taken, Green told news.
