Opening supervision by a psychiatrist – news Culture and entertainment

– We have reviewed the information and find that it provides a basis for further supervisory follow-up, writes the State Administrator in a press release. The information that has emerged in the initial investigations contains “allegations of inadequate treatment and privatization of the relationship between patient and practitioner”. – We have received several inquiries about the same psychiatrist, it is further stated. Among other things, the state administrator asks the psychiatrist to comment on the information that he has only charged for a patient’s treatment for the first two years. The psychiatrist is also asked to answer whether he has discouraged a patient from ending treatment with him. Lawyer Halvard Helle represents the psychiatrist, and says that it is not unexpected that the State Administrator opens supervision proceedings on the basis of Rød-Larsen’s statements. – It is very important for me to emphasize that the State Administrator has not reached a conclusion on the matter with this, he says to news. Hilde Rød-Larsen says she is happy that the authorities are now investigating the psychiatrist. – At the same time, as the first whistleblower, he feels a great responsibility towards the other victims. We are in a demanding situation together. We would like to hear from you! Do you have thoughts on the matter or tips for things we should check up on? Feel free to send me an email! Investigation started after accusations It was in November that writer Hilde Rød-Larsen told that in her twenties she was exposed to border-crossing actions by a Norwegian psychiatrist. Rød-Larsen was not the psychiatrist’s patient, but claims that she was ill with an eating disorder when the two allegedly began a sexual relationship. Via his lawyer Halvard Helle, the psychiatrist has told TV 2 that he was not aware that Rød-Larsen was ill when the two met. – He does not recognize himself in the portrayal the author gives in the Danish and Norwegian press, says Helle to VG. Serious case At the beginning of December, Director Jan Fredrik Andresen of the Norwegian Health Authority told VG that they had started investigations into Rød-Larsen’s accusations against the psychiatrist. The Norwegian Health Authority contacted Rød-Larsen after she came forward with her story in the media and called for an investigation of the psychiatrist. The state administrator in Oslo and Viken has today sent a letter to Rød-Larsen in which they inform about the establishment of a supervisory case and further investigations into the case. Supervision of health and care services Both the State Administrator and the Norwegian Health Authority supervise health and care services in Norway. Supervision is also carried out with healthcare personnel and other personnel who provide the services. Only the Norwegian Health Authority can issue administrative reactions. If the state administrator believes that an administrative response should be given to health personnel and/or businesses, the case is therefore forwarded to the Norwegian Health Authority. The state administrator has two possible roles, which depend on the assessment of whether an investigation should be opened: Decisive body where supervisory cases are concluded. Case preparation body for the Norwegian Health Authority, which must make decisions or close the case. An administrative reaction can be, for example, a warning, withdrawal of authorization, restriction of authorization or an order. About 90 per cent of supervisory cases are decided by the State Administrator. Only the most serious cases are investigated by the Norwegian Health Authority. Looking at more complaints Director Jan Fredrik Andresen skewed in an e-mail to news in December that the Norwegian Health Authority had been in contact with “quite a few people” after Rød-Larsen submitted his complaint. news has also seen documentation that several people have wanted to get in touch with the Norwegian Health Authority to tell about their experiences with the same psychiatrist. Created debate After Rød-Larsen told about his “metoo” story to the Danish newspaper Information, it has created debate among professionals in both Norway and Denmark. “Diamantkvelder” written by Hilde Rød-Larsen was published in July 2022. Photo: Aschehoug Rød-Larsen has said that the action in the novel “Diamond Evening” is closely related to her own life. In the novel, the main character, a young girl, begins a sexual relationship with an older psychologist. The main character is not his patient, but he invites her to his office to have sex on a therapy bench. In an interview with Information, Rød-Larsen told for the first time that in her 20s she began a sexual relationship with a Norwegian psychiatrist when she herself was ill with an eating disorder. She was not his patient, but has said the psychiatrist invited her to have sex on a sheet on a couch in his office. The regulatory authorities aim to close the case within four months.
