Nicolas Cage and Michael Cera in Kristoffer Borgli’s first American film – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– It’s fun now when the feedback is good, but there are some expectations and nerves when the film reaches such a wide release. Kristoffer Borgli from Sarpsborg is sitting in New York and talking to news over the phone. He manages a short chat before the next interview appointment in the US. The young director has made his first American film. It has already been screened in select theaters in New York and Los Angeles. Now it’s the rest of the USA’s turn. A door opener for his career In “Dream scenario”, he has brought big actor names to the cast, such as Nicolas Cage (“Face/Off”, “The Rock”) and Michael Cera (“Superbad”, “Arrested Development”). – It has been a dream of mine to work with people I admire. With regard to my career, I am already beyond my own expectations, says Borgli. The joy of the collaboration is mutual, the American star Nicolas Cage has told NTB: – To put it a bit bluntly: Making “Dream Scenario” with Kristoffer has been like a dream come true. Borgli describes the film as a door opener for his career. – Producers Lars Knudsen and Ari Aster had already spoken to Nicolas Cage about working together earlier. Aster personally sent the script to Cage, and that’s how he was included. Bragging rights and Amanda awards Borgli grew up in Sarpsborg, but moved to Pasadena in California in 2017 to be closer to the film industry. He has received a lot of attention for the film “Syk pike”, which among other things received Amanda awards for best screenplay and best mask/make-up earlier this year. Kristine Kujath Thorp in the film “Sick girl”, which among other things won two Amanda awards in 2023. Photo: Ymer Media / Ymer Media It also won the Filmkritikerprisen for best Norwegian feature film. In 2017, he was in the news with his first feature film, “DRIB”. It too received a good reception, including from news’s ​​reviewer: Now he is trying his hand at his first American film, in collaboration with the film studio A24. – They trusted me and the script very much, and there were never any demands that I had to change the work. They let us make the movie we wanted to make. Universal themes Birger Vestmo is a film critic at news and presenter of Filmpolitiet. He thinks Kristoffer Borgli can remind you of a younger and rougher Joachim Trier (“The World’s Worst Man”). He believes part of the reason for Borgli’s success is the ability to make films for our time. – The films are about universal themes such as advertising, social media and self-realisation. The whole world is concerned about this, even if it is seen through the glasses of a Norwegian filmmaker. Birger Vestmo is a film critic at news and presenter at Filmpolitiet. Photo: HENRIETTE DÆHLI / news / Henriette Dæhli Vestmo also highlights screenings at the major festivals as a key factor. Borgli has shown his films at two of the most prestigious film festivals, Toronto and Cannes. – It is extremely difficult to get your film shown there, you are fighting against a four-figure number of films. Getting through the eye of the needle is testimony to Borgli’s qualities as a filmmaker. Staying in the USA The road from working in a video shop in Sarpsborg to Hollywood has of course been a long one for Kristoffer Borgli. – There have been many years of creating, failing and trying again. During the 3-4 years I worked in a video store, I watched as much film as I could. Film language is learned by watching films. The informal education was sometimes at the expense of the formal. – I dropped out of certain subjects at upper secondary school. I watched films until 4 in the morning and didn’t get up the next day, laughs Borgli. Kristoffer Borgli on stage during the Amanda awards in 2023. His film “Syk pike” won, among other things, the award for best screenplay. Photo: Jan Kåre Ness / NTB He is already working on new ideas, and does not rule out returning to Norwegian film one day. – I have not closed any doors, “Sick Girl” was a very positive experience. But the next film will probably be here, the new ideas I’m working on now are located in the USA. “Dream scenario” is expected in Norwegian cinemas in February.
