Masturbation can be good for our physical and mental health – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

Summary: Masturbation and orgasm release different happiness and well-being hormones that can help you de-stress and give you more energy. There is a big difference in how often women and men masturbate, but it doesn’t have to be negative. Masturbation can contribute to better self-confidence, better sex, maintaining sex drive and can even relieve pain. It is important not to push yourself to masturbate, but to find out what suits you. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. Masturbation and orgasm release many different happiness and well-being hormones. A little finger or a hand can help you de-stress, you can get more energy – and that can create better sex. Click here to jump straight to all the benefits of masturbation. 6 out of 10 men say they masturbate at least once a week. At the same time, 2 out of 10 women answer the same. The survey was carried out by Norstat for news. Shame and a lack of relationship with one’s own abdomen can often be reasons, explains sexologist Tone Haldorsen. – Girls are not encouraged to look at their own abdomen as children, while boys naturally do not have the same problem. Boys get an early relationship with their penis, while girls rarely get the same opportunity to get to know their vulva. Why do we masturbate? There is thus a big difference in how often women and men masturbate. But it doesn’t have to be negative, explains gynecologist Kristin Offerdal at Trondheim Gynecologists. – One must feel what the body needs, and get to know one’s own needs. The new survey also shows that there are various reasons why we masturbate. 38 percent say they do it because they are horny. Others answer that they masturbate to relax. – The most important thing is not to just masturbate to cover up negative feelings. Then you get into a bad pattern, and can have a problematic relationship with masturbation and orgasm, says Haldorsen. Her recommendation is: Masturbate when you feel like it! And here are seven advantages of touching yourself: Can reduce stress When you masturbate, the body releases more hormones that can make the body less stressed. – Serotonin contributes to relaxation and relaxation in the body and head, says sexologist Tone Haldorsen. ADVANTAGES: Sexologist Tone Haldorsen believes that there is no such thing as too much masturbation, as long as you feel like it. Photo: Privat When we masturbate, and perhaps have an orgasm, the body emits substances that affect how we feel. – Many say that it is a great way to relax and feel good about yourself, says gynecologist Kristin Offerdal. Better self-confidence In addition, one can gain better self-confidence. – Women who masturbate or masturbate are well acquainted with their own bodies, and are perhaps more confident in themselves, says Offerdal. GET TO KNOW YOURSELF: When you take care of yourself, it can help you get to know your own body and needs better, explains gynecologist Kristin Offerdal. Photo: Kirsti Kringstad / news She also thinks it can make people more satisfied with their own sexuality. – And if you’re used to masturbating or touching yourself, you know how to have an orgasm. An earlier study has also found that people who are more satisfied with their appearance also enjoy themselves more when they have sex. Can create better sex When you have become familiar with what you like, it can also change how sex is with a partner. – It becomes easier to achieve enjoyment together with a partner. In other words, solo sex can improve couple sex, says Haldorsen. The gynecologist agrees with this. – You might become better at being active in what you like about sex, says Offerdal. Maintains sex drive It’s not just your sex life that can be improved by masturbating, you can also get a desire for more sex. The hormone dopamine triggers the reward system in the brain. – This creates a desire for more, and thus contributes to maintaining sex drive, says Haldorsen. HECTA: Masturbation releases hormones that the body likes. Illustration: Adobe Stock Dopamine is also secreted in the body when, for example, you go jogging. Someone can thus become hooked on exercise, because the body knows that it is a good hormone. Love The love hormone is called oxytocin, and it creates good feelings and attachment. – You can actually get a desire to be social after an orgasm, says the sexologist. Masturbation also releases the hormone adrenaline. It contributes to increased heart rate and energy, which means that you can get an energy boost. Good for health The heart rate increases during masturbation, and you get better blood circulation. This increases cell renewal in the body. – For men, masturbation can also reduce the risk of testicular and prostate cancer, says Haldorsen. GOOD FOR HEALTH: Jerking off can protect people with a penis against several diseases, such as cancer. Illustration: Ellen Karin Moen / news It can also be preventive for problems such as struggling to get hard, and premature ejaculation in men. Here, too, hormones play a role: – It is very good for health with both endorphins and dopamine, Offerdal explains. Can relieve pain Endorphins are the body’s natural painkillers, and can thus lead to less pain. Women’s diseases such as vaginismus, vulvodynia and other abdominal pain can also become less painful, often in combination with talk therapy and exercises. And one study indicates that masturbation with a vibrator can be good for people with vulvodynia. At the same time, orgasm can be unpleasant for some, the gynecologist explains. – Some people avoid masturbating because it hurts so much when they have an orgasm. Among other things, women with diseases such as endometriosis and adenomyosis may experience pain during orgasm. – Then masturbation without orgasm can be a solution, says Haldorsen. Don’t pressure yourself Hormones, self-image and stress are reasons why one should perhaps masturbate. But still, you shouldn’t put too much pressure on yourself. – It’s about finding out what suits you, says Offerdal. She says that it is not the case that everyone has the same need. Some people do not achieve orgasm from either sex with a partner or on their own. – So I think the most important thing is that you just realize that there is no shame in masturbating and having orgasms for yourself.
