Many are denied compensation after side effects of the corona vaccine – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

A couple of weeks after Terje Gjellestad and his wife received the corona vaccine in Bergen, his wife had severe reactions to her throat and it swelled up. After a few weeks with several tests, it turned out that she had contracted tuberculosis. A test carried out five years earlier showed that she had tuberculosis bacteria that were not activated. Terje Gjellestad says they are sure that it was the vaccine that triggered the disease. – We are absolutely sure of that. This happened approximately two weeks after the vaccine had been seen. If passive tuberculosis is to be activated, one must be sick or have a weakened immune system. At this time she went to school, and was healthy and up and about until this happened. Appeal rejected They applied for compensation from Norwegian Patient Injury Compensation (NPE), but were rejected. Nor did the Patient Injury Board agree. According to Gjellestad, the reason they should have been given for the refusal should be that there are no research results on this, which means that the NPE and the tribunal can vouch that the vaccine is the cause. – I think it is unreasonable that they cannot see the connection between the immune deficiency and the vaccine, which has led to the immune system going down when this happens. I think it’s strange that they haven’t seen that there could be a connection, when there are no other reasons that are more likely. Many have applied for compensation In a report from the Norwegian Medicines Agency that came out in April, it emerged that there had been almost 62,000 reports of suspected side effects after the corona vaccine. Almost 8,000 of these reports are considered serious side effects, and include everything from serious illness to having to go to hospital or fainting. Director of Norwegian Patient Injury Compensation, Kristin Cordt-Hansen. Many of those who experience side effects have applied for compensation. In the last six months, there has been an increase of 14 per cent in the number of people coming forward with claims. But two out of three applicants for compensation have been refused, statistics from NPE show. – Most people who are refused, do so because the damage they have suffered after treatment or reactions after a vaccine is not due to the treatment or the vaccine, says Director Kristin Cordt-Hansen of NPE. Following the research in the field, Cordt-Hansen says they rely on the research being done in the field when they assess who should receive compensation. New research may lead to more people being able to receive compensation, but also that previous refusals may be reassessed. She understands that many people are disappointed when they are rejected. Therefore, they work to become better at coming out with information about who is entitled to compensation. – We want to use our resources and our time on those who are entitled to compensation. And that those who do not have a right to it, must go through an exhausting process that ends with them being disappointed. Side effects after corona vaccine The most common side effects that have been accepted Menstrual disorders (45%) Inflammation of the heart (16%) Skin rash (9%) Blood clots (4%) VITT syndrome/low platelet count (3%) The most common side effects that have been rejected Headache (14%) Pain (12%) Feeling sick/tired (9%) Menstrual disorders (8%) Other heart ailments (7%) Source: Norwegian patient compensation Low payouts Although serious cases have been registered as a result of the corona vaccine, these in smaller numbers. Most of the side effects that have been reported are temporary ailments that give relatively low payouts, says Cordt-Hansen. – What we see is that it is a question of relatively mild side effects, which do not give such large payouts. The swine flu vaccine, for example, resulted in more and larger payouts. But for Terje Gjellestad and his wife, it is not the money that is important. – We haven’t had many expenses. We have been talking about small amounts. But that is not what this is about. We want to address where the activation of the tuberculosis came from. This is not about money at all.
