Lawyers react to Abida Raja book – news Culture and entertainment

Last week, Abida Raja’s book “Freedom’s moment” hit the Norwegian public like a bomb. It has already managed to climb to the top of the best-selling books in the last week and was sold out only hours after it went on sale. In the book, written by VG journalist Håkon F. Høydal, Raja tells of a life characterized by forced marriage, physical and psychological violence. – I know there are many women who live lives similar to mine, and that girls are still married off to men they don’t love. I strongly want women to see that it is possible to break out, Raja told news in connection with the book release. Already in the summer of 2020, Raja filed a complaint against her ex-husband, says Raja’s assistance lawyer Hege Salomon. Previously, Abida Raja told news that she still does not live a life without fear. May affect the investigation The reports relate to violence and abuse in close relationships, and the case is currently under investigation. The ex-husband denies criminal guilt. Now, several lawyers believe it is unfortunate that the book comes out while the investigation is still ongoing. – The problem is that the prosecution decision can be strongly influenced by all this attention, says lawyer Frode Sulland. Abida Raja together with VG journalist and author Håkon F. Høydal. Photo: Stig Jaarvik / news He believes that when a case receives so much publicity and media attention, it is impossible that those involved will not be influenced. – There is no one who can be unaffected by this, regardless of how proportional one is, believes Sulland. Freedom of expression is also a right Sulland receives partial support from lawyer Jon Wessel-Aas. – I agree that there can be challenges in the way that everyone who gets these stories doesn’t necessarily think about the fact that there could be another version here too, he says. At the same time, he reminds that it is Abida Raja’s right to express himself. – There is no doubt that she has freedom of speech to tell her story, even when it contains allegations that are now the subject of an investigation, says Wessel-Aas. In the same way, it is also the aggrieved person’s right to express himself if he disagrees with the allegations that come forward, the lawyer points out. Pressure on the police Lawyer Javeed Shah represents Raja’s ex-husband and shares Sulland’s view. Shah also believes that the media helps give credibility to Raja’s story. Javeed Shah, who represents Raja’s ex-husband, reacts to the book coming out while the case is still being investigated. Photo: Berit Roald / NTB scanpix – When you see the pressure from the outside world, several reviewers of the book and the media portraying her as credible, then it is clear that there will be pressure on the police when it comes to bringing charges in this case, says Shah. He believes this conflicts with the legal principle that the accused is innocent until proven guilty. People with feelings – But don’t you trust the Norwegian legal system when it comes to not being influenced? – I have great respect for the legal system in Norway, but it cannot be ignored that a number of scandals have emerged in recent times with regard to decisions that have been made by Norwegian courts. Shah points, among other things, to the Birgitte Tengs case and the Baneheia case. In both cases, questions related to the media’s role and influence in the legal process have previously been raised. – There are several cases I have read through my career which have clearly shown that here you have been influenced by the public, by the pressure. We must remember that Norwegian courts are also made up of people with feelings, continues Shah. Defends the time Abida Raja’s assistant lawyer, Hege Salomon, defends the time the book was published. – Ideally, the book should not have come out before a possible trial. But for Abida it has been very important to tell her story. This is a process that started 6–7 years ago, she says. Raja’s legal counsel defends the timing of the publication of “Moment of Freedom”. The book came out last week and is already sold out. Photo: KAGGE FORLAG Shah says he respects Abida Raja’s right to tell his own story. – She must absolutely have every right to that. But when you have actually waited for so many years to review and also publish a book, I think it would be most sensible to wait a little longer. Shah adds that he and his client, Abida Raja’s ex-husband, do not plan to take legal action against the book at this time. Cathrine Sandnes, publisher at JM Stenersen’s publishing house, says they understand Sulland’s objection. – We withheld the book for over a year, because we wanted to wait with publication until after the trial. This standstill has been a burden for Abida, so the choice to publish now comes after careful consideration. We believe we have good grounds for placing trust in Abida’s story, in the form of witnesses, journals and court documents, as it appears in the book. This is Abida Raja’s story anyway, most people – including her ex-husband – have been anonymised, and she has waited long enough to dare to tell her story. We have confidence that the legal system is competent to make its assessments on an independent basis. And we are proud to publish Abida Raja’s account of her struggle for freedom. It is a book of great social importance. It will hopefully contribute to more women daring to tell their stories and, not least, that society will be able to provide better and faster help to women who are exposed to violence.
