Lavrov holds annual press conference – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

February 24 marks one year since Russia went to war against neighboring Ukraine. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov opened his annual press conference by lashing out at the US and the West. – The EU has completely allowed itself to be cowed by the US dictatorship, Lavrov said. He believes that the EU allows itself to be dictated to by the US. The press conference is streamed on the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website, and translated into English. Lavrov claims that Ukraine faces a choice. Will they stand with Russia, or the West? Lavrov believes that the US has created a coalition with Europeans against Russia and is fighting a war against Russia in Ukraine. – Just as Hitler wanted to find a solution to the Jewish question, the United States has created a coalition that is waging a proxy war against Russia, Lavrov said. He claimed that the US attitude is that “we do what we want when we want – until the end of the world.” – There cannot be any military infrastructure in Ukraine that threatens Russia’s security, Lavrov said. In December, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the Russian military is working on new plans to prevent Ukraine from receiving weapons and ammunition from abroad. – We see that Ukraine is receiving more and better Western weapons. That is why there are calls from military experts to stop these supply routes, Lavrov said in an interview on Russian TV on Wednesday. – Railway lines, bridges and tunnels are considered. I assume they will make professional decisions on how to make these deliveries more difficult, or ideally stop them altogether, he added. On Wednesday, a helicopter crashed near a kindergarten in the town of Brovary, which is outside the Ukrainian capital Kyiv. 16 died and 22 are in hospital after the incident. Ukraine’s interior minister is among the dead. In November, the US believed that around 200,000 soldiers on both sides have either lost their lives or been injured in the war.
