Kjetil Knutsen faces a flare in the stands in the Eliteserien – news Nordland

– Flare with the temperature it holds, the fact that we allow it at matches is absolutely unfathomable to me. This is how Glimt coach Kjetil Knutsen begins his tirade against flares that are used in stands in the Eliteserien all over Norway. In particular, it is at Brann Stadion that flares came into focus this week. Then three children and two adults suffered damage to their clothes after a flare was thrown into the crowd during the match against Glimt. However, it could have been much worse. The flare thrower received a 35 game ban from Sports Club Brann as a Christmas present. – There have been many near misses. Here, someone throws from the top of the stands and it lands in the lap or on the head of a young person. It is only a matter of time before serious accidents occur. Does it come into contact with hair or a jacket. it is completely unbelievable that we are at that level, Knutsen continues. Flare between Brann and Bodø/Glimt on Sunday. Photo: Bjørnar Morønning / NTB The police warn The man who threw the flare in the middle of the crowd during the match on Sunday has laid low and accepts his punishment. Brann has also been in contact with the families of those who were hit by the flare. They will have damage to clothing covered, and will be invited by Brann to the first home game next season. The police issued information on Wednesday to those who might want to light flares at Aspmyra before, during or after the match against Lugano in the Serie Liga. – The police support supporters and at the same time remind that the use of flares in the stands is not permitted, as it is risky for many reasons. If the police observe flares in the stands, they will be reported and fined, says operational planner Kristian Vikran Karlsen at the Nordland police district. Kjetil Knutsen was tough in his speech when he was asked about flares during the press conference on Wednesday. Photo: news Kjetil Knutsen votes in before Glimt’s fateful battle in Europe. – Look at England. It is forbidden there. I hope we don’t get to the point where a serious accident has to happen before something happens. It has nothing to do with the stadium, in my view. The gases and smoke that come from the flares are also dangerous, but primarily they are flammable. He also supports the club in its rather strict view of flares, which supporters have previously reacted to. – I am very happy that Bodø/Glimt is a club that stands firm and works together with the police to arrest those who use flares. There I stand. It must be possible to create good frameworks in other ways. Flare use by Glimt’s supporters during the match against Tromsø. Photo: Rune Stoltz Bertinussen / NTB Flare lit under cloth In 2019, news wrote about an incident where Glimt supporters were thrown out of the stadium when they lit flares under a large cloth, which partially caught fire. This meant that Bodø/Glimt chose to close the entire J field, which is the place at Aspmyra where the most dedicated and organized supporters stand. Three supporters were subsequently reported to the police and banned after the incident.
