– It will be strong – NRK Culture and entertainment

– I love Pride. It’s a big party! But also an important mark. It feels significant and not least very fun, says Silje Nordnes. For the second year in a row, she rents the live broadcast where NRK takes the pulse of Pridefeiringa both in the capital and in the rest of the country. For the first time, NRK 1 and NRK 2 broadcast live from the Pride parade in the nail soup. – It will be strong to be there and see the diversity in the streets that day. We will celebrate that we are different, but that there is room for everyone at the same time, Nordnes emphasizes. Photo: Ulrik Kramer / NRK – In Pride there is room for everyone «Oslo Pride» is Norway’s largest celebration of queer love and diversity. The festival is for all people who support or feel connected to the LGBTI + movement. In addition to Silje Nordnes, Pål Plassen will comment on the Pride train, while Egil Andreas Skurdal will be the outgoing reporter. – For me, Pride is important for accepting myself, and for understanding the great diversity that exists out there. In Pride, there is room for everyone, says Egil Skurdal. The comedian and musician Skurdal is best known from “Senkveld” where he was a musical sidekick. He is also soon relevant as a P3 morning reporter. – I’ve never had our reporter before! But I rejoice, because I believe that with my own experiences and love for Pride I can be a good ambassador, and hopefully open some closed minds, he says. Egil Andreas Skurdal is looking forward to being an outgoing reporter during Pride. Photo: Ulrik Kramer / NRK International solidarity This year’s Pride celebration has a historical backdrop. This year it is 50 years since homosexuality was decriminalized in Norway. For Nordnes, it is a reminder of what has been ours. – It is completely absurd to think that it was like that. In addition, it is strong because there are currently 68 countries in the world where homosexuality is prohibited, the host answers in cash. The experienced radio presenter Pål Plassen also points out how important it is to have an international perspective. – Basically, Pride is about basic human rights. On basic principles such as equality, freedom, openness and diversity, Plassen emphasizes. Photo: Ulrik Kramer / NRK – It is important to show the world that Norway can do this, he adds. Do not take freedom for granted Even though we have come a long way in Norway, there are things to fight for, according to Inge Alexander Gjestvang. He is a member of FRI – the Association for Gender and Sexuality Diversity. – It is difficult to choose just one issue, but the big headline for me is solidarity, says Gjestvang. – Recent living conditions and quality of life surveys show that many queer people experience great challenges in their lives, and it is important that we work to turn things around and ensure that even more people can live good lives like themselves. He is supported by the three-leaf clover who will rent this year’s Pride broadcast. – There are important values ​​at the bottom, and then we celebrate as if it is a party! ends Pål Plassen. Kim Friele was the first Norwegian woman to emerge as a lesbian. She has through life to the gay fight. Hear her story, told to Silje Nordnes.
