Ingá Márjá Sarre’s voice was used in a film without her knowledge – news Sápmi

– Now it is too late. It’s already in the movie. You can’t do anything about that, says Sarre. Last autumn, a journalist called Ingá Márjá Sarre and asked how she had got the South Sámi voice in the film “The Curse”. Then the Northern Sami voice actor was surprised. – I had no contract with the film producer. It was quite embarrassing, says Sarre. HAVEN’T SEEN THE FILM: The Northern Sami actress says she hasn’t had the chance to see the film, which premiered in autumn 2022. Photo: EILIF ASLAKSEN / news In a conversation that news has seen, it appears that her footage was supposed to be a preliminary sketch , and that it would not be used in the film. October 3, 2022IMIngá Márjá: How did the recording of me go? Was it more than a sketch? The film producer, Henrik Martin Dahlsbakken, confirmed that the recording had been used and four days later the film premiered. In an email to news, the film producer writes that the use was confirmed ahead of the film’s premiere in October 2022 and that it then seemed completely unproblematic for Sarre. Film producer Henrik M. Dahlsbakken, here during the film premiere, writes to news that he does not wish to comment further on the matter. Photo: Dan Robert Larsen / news Dahlsbakken further writes that Sarre was remunerated and credited for the voice recordings in accordance with industry practice. Received NOK 1,000 The film company paid a fee to Ingá Márjá for the voice recordings in February 2021. Sarre confirms that she received NOK 1,000 for the voice recordings, but that she would have demanded more for a job assignment where the recording was to be used in a feature film. – I would have done better and checked the language with a language consultant if I knew it was going to be used in the film. I don’t know Southern Sami, so I don’t know if my language is good enough, she explains. The difference between Sami languages ​​can be great, and is often compared to Norwegian and Icelandic. Double remuneration A lawyer at the Actors’ Association has reached an agreement on the matter in dialogue with the film director. – Often the solution is that the person who has used intellectual property, and made it public without having cleared the rights to do so, has to pay double remuneration, so it becomes expensive for those who do it. This is explained by the head of the Norwegian Actors’ Association, Knut Alfsen. HAPPY: Confederation leader of the Norwegian Actors’ Association, Knut Alfsen, is happy that the matter has been resolved. Photo: Oda Elise Svelstad / news Alfsen adds that such incidents are unusual. – That you both start the work before there is a contract and publish things that have not been approved, that is not usual. Now that matter has also found a solution, and of course we at the Norwegian Actors’ Association are very happy about that. – Very regrettable Director of the International Sami Film Institute (ISFI), Anne Lajla Utsi, thinks it is very regrettable that a Sami actor has had a bad experience. – As a rule, feature films have a large budget, and then things like this should not happen, says Utsi. COOPERATION WANT: Director of the International Sami Film Institute (ISFI), Anne Lajla Utsi, hopes more filmmakers will cooperate with the institute. Photo: Dan Robert Larsen / news Utsi also refers to the Sami film protocol “The Pathfinder”, which is a guide for non-Sami filmmakers who want to draw inspiration from Sami culture and stories. The advice will help filmmakers to tell Sami stories in a respectful way. New payment Over 7 months after the film premiere, Ingá Márjá has received a new payment from the film company. The film producer clarifies that this is done in consultation with the Actors’ Association, for the extended use of the sound recording on a worldwide basis in perpetuity. Dahlsbakken will not comment further on the matter. Ingá Márjá says she is satisfied with having been paid for the work, but still wishes she had been given an employment contract and the opportunity to quality-check her recording before it was used. – It is of course a shame that you have to fight for such matters, but if I don’t show where the cupboard should be, it will just continue, she concludes.
