He revealed the plagiarism of Sandra Borch – Stor-Oslo

– I was a little surprised, since there was such extensive use of other people’s work without any reference to the source, says Kristoffer Rytterager (27). On Friday, Research and Higher Education Minister Sandra Borch (Sp) resigned following revelations about plagiarism in her master’s thesis. She obtained a master’s degree in jurisprudence at UiT Norway’s Arctic University in 2014. The thesis was about safety regulation in Norwegian petroleum law. E24 was the first medium to discuss the case, but BI student Rytterager first discussed the case on X. On 18 January, student Kristoffer Rytterager published this on X.18. January, student Kristoffer Rytterager posted this on X. Wanted to see where the list was Kristoffer is himself a master’s student at BI and is now writing his thesis. – I experience myself how important it is with correct reference to sources and how accurate one is required to be. Among other things, he had learned that the Ministry of Education and Culture and Sandra Borch had appealed a decision about self-plagiarism to the Supreme Court. Then he thought it might be a bit interesting to look at the minister’s master’s thesis. – Both to satisfy my own curiosity, and to see what level is required to become a top politician in Norway. Rytterager thought at first that he might have misunderstood, or that there were special guidelines in jurisprudence that he was not aware of. After discussing this with one of the school’s librarians, who specializes in referencing sources, it became clear to him that it would be completely unacceptable in a master’s thesis written according to today’s standard for referencing sources. Kristoffer, he began to wonder if there were any other guidelines in jurisprudence, or what Sandra Borch studied. Photo: Johanna Hauge / news – It is not difficult to understand that Kristoffer believes it is absolutely essential to have good rules for plagiarism and cheating. Both to maintain academic integrity and justice. They ensure that the work we do is our own and reflects our actual knowledge and effort, he says. – Some newspapers should also think about this. When I’m not studying here in Oslo, I’m a farmer at home in Hole, as a farmer you can’t steal other people’s work, then you have to get up in the morning and do the work yourself. This should be the case in several professions. Stealing one’s own work, on the other hand, is a completely different matter. He believes the rules for cheating and plagiarism are not difficult to understand. – As long as you familiarize yourself with it and follow the recipe, most people should be able to do it. He has hope in what is happening now. – That it leads to more focus on the fact that a young student can be taken to the Supreme Court after being acquitted in the Court of Appeal for self-plagiarism. – There must be a way of how hard the politicians will go after “ordinary people”. – Quite unmusical When Sandra Borch wrote her master’s thesis around ten years ago, she took text from other assignments without specifying sources. Aleksander Danielsen became aware that Borch had copied from his master’s thesis around 40 minutes before the news came. Aleksander Danielsen considered it groundbreaking work when he wrote his master’s thesis. Photo: Private – It is quite unmusical to advocate what she advocates on a daily basis, versus what she has done in the past. – I was amazed. He believes it is difficult to answer what consequences disclosure should have for Borch’s master’s degree. – If it is the passages that have been reproduced now, I think that it may not be of decisive importance. But he believes it was right for the minister to resign. – She couldn’t continue. So the consequence it has had is probably big enough for her, the way it looks now. – It’s probably not good to be her today.
