Grief-choked Venstre top called for apology – Latest news – news

14 June 2023 at 11:20 Grief-choked Liberal Party leader calls for apology Liberal Party politician Grunde Almeland could not hold back tears when he made his speech in the Storting today. – The queer community has still not received an apology from the minister. Such an apology would have meant a lot. There would have been a recognition from the highest levels of the seriousness of what the queer has gone through. It costs so little, but would have meant so much, he said. The post was held in the wake of the Minister of Justice’s statement on the pride report. – “Could have been averted”. These are the words that have stuck with me after I read the 25 June committee’s report, Almeland began with. He described himself as queer. – It is possible that it could have been prevented that two people die from the shots. That nine receive gunshot wounds. That 25 receive other injuries in the chaos that ensues. That 264 people now have the status of aggrieved in a case which, without civilian intervention, could have developed within a few minutes into one of the deadliest attacks on civilians in Europe in many years, said the parliamentary representative from the Liberal Party. – It is possible that it could have been prevented that we queers, who have initially known ourselves to be slightly more vulnerable, more exposed and less accepted than the rest of the population, suddenly have the feeling of being able to be who we are, love it we love and express our love in public. Almeland is elected from Oslo. – The attack on queers has changed something in us. There is a fear here now, which has not been here before. It shouldn’t feel like a risky sport to hold your girlfriend’s hand in the open street, give her a kiss on the cheek. But that’s how it feels for a lot of people now. KrF’s Kjell Ingolf Ropstad praised the post when he took the podium a little later. – Special thanks to good colleague and representative Grunde Almeland for his strong and important post, thank you for sharing.
