Gives Biden the smooth sailing for Israel handling – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The case in summary: Congressman Dean Phillips challenges Joe Biden in the presidential election and criticizes his Middle East policy. Phillips believes Biden has had enough time to change course in the Middle East, but has not succeeded. Many Democrats believe that Biden has ruined his chances for re-election by supporting Benjamin Netanyahu. A poll shows that a majority of Democrats believe Israel is going too far in its attacks on Gaza. Biden’s name is not on the ballot in New Hampshire, but Phillips has filed as a challenger. Nearly 70% of Democrats believe Biden is too old to be an effective president for four more years. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – Joe Biden has had ample opportunity to change course in the Middle East in the 50 years he has been senator, vice president and president. Unfortunately, we see the same carnage over and over because he has not succeeded. Now we need to try something new, says Dean Phillips to news. The congressman is one of the only ones who dares to challenge Joe Biden ahead of the presidential election in the autumn. It has not been long since he started his election campaign, and he says he is running because more well-known politicians who he believes should have done so, do not dare. Dean does not hesitate when we ask whether Biden could have done more to avoid the great civilian casualties in the Middle East. -Of course. We need a new generation of leaders working together on the Middle East. And it must happen quickly. Otherwise, we will soon see nuclear weapons in small backpacks being detonated around the world. Dean Phillips has spent the last three months traveling around the US and meeting voters to discuss the state of the country with them. He takes the time to talk to those who come to his meetings. Photo: Eskil Wie Furunes / news Afraid that the war will prevent re-election Many of those who have come to the election meeting in a meeting room in the city of Nashua ask questions about the situation in the Middle East. Some believe Biden has ruined his own re-election chances by giving such strong support to Benjamin Netanyahu. Olivia won’t say her last name, but the journalism student wants another Democratic president. – I am not a big fan of President Biden. He is clearly losing a lot of support from his core voters because of the war, and that could be a big problem for him. I don’t think we should give Israel financial support, she says. Jessica Harwood studies political science and thinks it’s a shame there aren’t more challengers to President Biden in the election this autumn. However, she herself plans to vote for Biden if she has to. Photo: Eskil Wie Furunes / news A majority of Democrats in the US believe Israel is going too far in its attacks on Gaza. This was shown by a poll carried out by the news agency AP before Christmas. Among Democrats, 58 percent believe that Israel’s use of force is excessive, while the proportion is 18 percent among Republicans. Biden not on the ballot On Tuesday, Republican voters in New Hampshire will decide whether they want Donald Trump or Nikki Haley as their presidential candidate. But there are also democratic elections here even if Joe Biden’s name is not even on the ballot. Biden will go through a nomination process, but since he wants re-election, only lesser-known challengers such as Dean Phillips have signed up. And the Democrats’ central party apparatus has decided that their nomination process will start in the state of South Carolina on February 7. Therefore, they do not recognize the election in New Hampshire. Dean Phillips is still betting here after this summer, as one of the first members of Congress, he went to the media and said frankly that he believes the Democratic Party must wake up and find an alternative to Biden. Using own money Dean Phillips is not expected to win the election here in New Hampshire on Tuesday because local Democrats have started a campaign to get voters to write Biden’s name on the ballot. – I don’t know how well I’m doing. But in any case, it has been worth it to travel around the United States and talk to people, Dean Phillips told those present at the meeting in the small town of Nashua. Dean Phillips takes a selfie with Jessica Harwood Photo: Eskil Wie Furunes / news He has sat in the congress from Minnesota since 2019. Before that, he was a businessman who invested in several successful start-up companies. Among other things, the ice cream factory Talenti, which has become a great success in the USA. Dean also spends his own money on the election campaign. Politically, he is not too far from Biden. He does not belong to the left wing of the Democratic Party. Phillips is running primarily because he thinks Biden is too old. He thinks Biden is too weak. Nearly 70 percent of Democrats polled in a new survey believe Joe Biden is too old to be an effective president for four more years. Jack Goterch is 76 years old, and has been given a seat at the very top of the stage at one of Dean Phillips’ meetings in the city of Rochester. Jack Goterch is six years younger than Joe Biden, and believes it is time for the president to realize that he should not run for re-election. Photo: Tove Bjørgaas / news He is embarrassed to admit it, but he voted no in the 2020 election because he doesn’t like Joe Biden. – I have been a Democrat all my life. But I could never stand that man. Now I believe that he is cognitively impaired and should let others in. He was a businessman in Minnesota before he became president and has his own money to spend on his hastily planned election campaign. Photo: Eskil Wie Furunes / news
