Firefighter Ole-Kristian Bryhn is the new Champion of Champions – news Buskerud – Local news, TV and radio

– A lot of response and many nice messages after I have kept this secret for half a year, says a cheerful and newly crowned champion Ole-Kristian Bryhn. news meets him at work at the fire station in Røyken on Monday afternoon to congratulate him. At work – and in other contexts – the talk has been about who would eventually run away with the victory in the 15th season of the popular news programme, he says. At the fire station, he is greeted with waving flags and good hugs. Ole-Kristian Bryhn receives congratulations from his colleagues at Røyken fire station. Photo: Anders Haualand / news – It has been fun to have listened to all the speculation and commitment. Some thought I would go far, some thought I would fail immediately. It’s nice to sit and listen – with the facit in hand, chuckles Bryhn. – Practiced the poker face? – Yes, I think I have. Been tough. Nobody has found out anything, replies the 34-year-old. Stumbled at the finish line – collected the victory “He takes the title! What a comeback! What a moon! Ole-Kristian wins the Champion of Champions 2024 in an epic duel!” That’s how it sounded when the commentators Jann Post and Johan Remen Evensen screamed their guts out when the winner was a fact on Friday evening. The battle for the title in the final was between skier Anders Aukland, footballer Pål André Helland and thus Bryhn, the former marksman. The latter aimed for another victory. After a decisive hunt start, iron grip, heavy lifting and the infamous ninety degrees, it was to be decided in pouring rain on the beach in Mandal. It had to be balanced, sleds had to be pulled, balls thrown and logical thinking challenged. By then, Aukland had gained a lead, and Bryhn probably thought that the gold place was out of reach. – During the final I felt that “Ahh, now I’ll be number two”, recalls Bryhn. The last task involved carrying a heavy ball over an obstacle. However, in a close and steady race, just five meters before the finish line, Aukland stumbles. The rest is history, as they say. – Everything turned around in a matter of seconds. Suddenly I was at the finish line. Absolutely huge. An out-of-yourself experience. Couldn’t be better! It’s almost so it’s still a bit unreal, actually, says the boy in Røyken. Gold, silver and other titles In his career as a shooter, Ole-Kristian Bryhn has collected gold, silver and bronze like another greedy pirate. Ole-Kristian says he might put the Master of Champions title higher than all the other titles. Photo: Anders Hauland / news Despite the WC medals, we have to ask: – How do you rank this title? – It is clearly extremely high up, begins the Master before adding: – It can be ranked as almost the highest, at least that feeling of winning. Being behind, and then taking it on the run – absolutely huge! It is perhaps the one I have become most happy with, emotionally. He has shot to the top as a shooter on several occasions. Photo: Kjetil Solhøi / news – Yes, I put it incredibly high, perhaps at the top. – Do you walk a little straighter when you go into work now? – The boys have congratulated! Of course you get a big smile and your back straightens a little, that’s cool. – Don’t mess with the champion of champions, say. – Huh. It is true. I became the boss of the team now, says Ole-Kristian Bryhn. Fireman Sam or Fireman Grand Slam? Photo: Anders Haualand / news
