Didn’t call the police when the friend overdosed – pleads partially guilty

In December 2021, passers-by found a dead man at a carport in Ulsteinvik on Sunnmøre. Now a man in his 30s is on trial for negligent homicide, because he did not call the emergency services. The trial started today in Møre og Romsdal district court, where three days have been set aside for the case. The parents of the deceased are among those who will explain themselves to the court on the first day. Photo: Josef Benoni Ness Tveit / news In addition to negligent homicide, the man in his 30s is charged with not having informed the police or next of kin when he knew that the man in his 20s was dead. It is this last item in the indictment, not having notified a dead person, the man in his 30s pleads guilty, he explained when the trial started. He pleads not guilty to the charge of negligent homicide. Several of the deceased’s family will appear in the courtroom, and the man’s parents will testify about, among other things, their son’s drug problems and how they could not get hold of him after he disappeared. Prosecutor Jogeir Nogva opened the trial by informing about what the prosecution believes happened on the night of December 2021 when a man in his 20s lost his life. Assistance lawyer Cecilie Langva represents the deceased’s family, who have appeared in court. Photo: Josef Benoni Ness Tveit / news Move dead man The deceased was visiting the defendant when he took tablets containing the dangerous substance etonitazepine on the night of 14 December 2021. The man in his 20s is said to have passed out in the bathroom and remained lying down, without the host getting help. In the hearing, the defendant explained that he tried resuscitation. The guest died in his flat and is said to have later been moved to the carport with a trolley. He was found there on the morning of 16 December. The deceased is also said to have taken an overdose of the same drug he had bought from the defendant, just a few days earlier. The father of the deceased went to the flat where his son was. The accused man then allegedly replied that he did not know where his friend was. The father is said to have done this after he could not get in touch with his son on the phone. Has been drug-free since the incident Reidar Andresen, who is defending the man in his 30s, says the defendant and the deceased had known each other for several years, when they were part of the same environment. Sometimes they used drugs together. According to the defender, the defendant received a different drug than the one he ordered online, one that was far stronger than what he wanted. It should only have been proven once before. – It is probably illustrative that the substance is unknown to everyone, says Andresen in front of the court. The defense attorney says the defendant stopped using drugs after the incident, and that he has been drug-free since then. Three days have been set aside for the trial. The case has a penalty of six years.
