Cousins ​​lose half their holiday – the air strike escalated on Friday – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Cousins ​​and students Kristin Langeland and Marte Fjellstad were ready to board the plane to London, but two minutes before boarding they received a message. The flight was canceled. – It was awkward. We had planned a short trip and we were looking forward to going on a musical today, but it will be difficult to achieve, says Fjellstad. This is the only trip the cousins ​​get to this summer since they are students and will spend the rest of the summer working. – We lose 50 percent of the holiday due to the chaos, so it is very difficult, says Langeland. Norwegian flights are part of the aircraft technician strike. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB Stepped up on Friday Tenant for NFO, Jan Skogseth tells news that the negotiations are stalled and confirms that another 39 aircraft technicians will be taken out on strike from Friday 24 June. Then the number goes on strike up to 145. Jan Skogseth is a member of the Norwegian Aircraft Technician Organization. Photo: news – I perceive NHO Luftfart as not very interested in real negotiations, he says. Skogseth says that the parties have not talked to each other since Sunday. Torbjørn Lothe, CEO of NHO Luftfart. Photo: Pressebilde / NHO NHO Aviation on the other hand says that NFO is responsible for the strike. – The flight technicians should orient their demands to reality and accept a settlement in line with the bus drivers, police and nurses have received. The rest of society has adapted, the aircraft technicians have not, says leader of NHO Luftfart Torbjørn Lothe to news. – Struggling to get a lot of sympathy At the airport in Alta, Sigrid Aas is on her way south to her own wedding with her youngest daughter. Even though the flight has not been canceled, she bought two plane tickets to make sure she arrives on time. – I discovered this weekend that there would be an aircraft technician strike. The wedding is in the south next weekend, so I booked a new ticket a little earlier due to the strike. Sigrid Aas in Alta on her way to her own wedding in southern Norway with her youngest daughter. Photo: Jo Hermstad Tronsen / news The man and the three other children have already started the trip by car. She thinks the timing of the strike is a bit bad after two years with the corona. – What emerged in the media is that there is a wage demand of 17-18 percent increase. I think it was a bit much compared to others who are on strike. And right now it has such great ripple effects for many, so I think maybe they will struggle to get a lot of sympathy, says the future brother. Danger of more strikes On Monday night, Fellesforbundet and NHO-Luftfart are in mediation with a deadline of midnight. If they do not become the same, 160 backers in Bergen and Trondheim will be taken out on strike. On June 29, 900 SAS pilots in Scandinavia can also go on strike. Strikes in the aviation industry are causing concern among many who are going on summer vacation. Elise Ommundsen was able to rebook her trip to Nice. Now she is unsure if she will be allowed to travel at all. Watch the video below: The trip to Nice was booked about: – I sit with my heart in my throat. Do not cancel yourself Passengers who are affected by an air strike will get their money back or a new trip. That is what the Consumer Council says. – If it appears that your flight is in danger of being hit by the strike, it is important that you do not cancel the trip yourself. Then you are not entitled to a refund, something you have if you wait until the plane is canceled, senior adviser Thomas Iversen tells NTB. The aircraft technicians who have gone on strike are employees of various airlines. – It has been decided by the European Court of Justice that strikes among the airline’s own employees do not release the airline from liability. But if employees at the airport or other suppliers go on strike, it could be something else, says Iversen. If you are entitled to this If the flight is canceled or delayed for more than five hours due to the strike, you have three choices, according to the Consumer Council: Rebooking soon possible. Rebooking at a later date. Money back for the trip. In addition, one is entitled to financial compensation. – How much you are entitled to, varies on the basis of standardized rates. It may seem a bit complicated, but we in the Consumer Council have made an air calculator that easily calculates what you are entitled to and solves you through the process of applying for a refund, says Iversen. Airport chaos and baggage trouble Strike in Norway is not the only thing that creates major problems for travelers. A number of European airports have been hit by delays, understaffing and chaos in recent times. At Schipol in Amsterdam, travelers were met with long queues on Monday. Tom Rune had to stand in line for two and a half hours to get through the security check. This queue met Tom Rune at Schiphol on Monday. He had to wait for several hours to get through the security check. Photo: Tom Rune – It was very stressful. We received no explanation. It was just to follow the others, he says. – It was not like my day was going to be, he adds. On Monday, a nationwide strike broke out in Belgium. It hits several Belgian airports, and travelers have to wait several hours for delays. Also later this week, more strikes are expected that will affect air traffic in the country. It is also in trouble with delayed luggage from several airports around Europe. The insurance company Fremtind says that they have been contacted by many customers who have not received their luggage from airports in, among others, Amsterdam, Barcelona and London. Airport workers stand next to rows of passenger luggage outside Terminal 2 at Heathrow Airport in London. Photo: HENRY NICHOLLS / Reuters Travelers should distribute important luggage in different suitcases, and bring the most important things in their hand luggage, according to communications consultant at Fremtind Anette Grønby Rein. Will not be covered by the insurance With the insurance company, the phone has been ringing all day. Many people still have to reckon with not getting help if the holiday is due to the strike. For neither airport strikes nor chaos at the airports provide a basis for compensation. – If you are hit by delays due to the chaos down in Europe, it will not be covered by travel insurance, says communications manager in the insurance company Tryg Ole Irgens. Airlines are the point of contact if one is hit by delays at European airports, according to Irgens.
