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– It’s actually shocking, chess player and coach Sheila Barth Standford hires for news. She has picked up on the sensational statements Fide chief Emil Sutovsky recently made in the “Sports Management” podcast. – Completely ridiculous In a longer reasoning about why there are fewer women than men who play chess, Sutovsky mentions the socio-economic conditions that have prevailed in chess for all these years and the lack of financial support for women’s chess as some of the reasons. DEBATE: Sutovsky’s statements have been hotly debated on social media following the podcast. Photo: Dr.ML-Photo / Dr.ML-Photo But it is shortly afterwards that the Azerbaijani attracts attention. He also meant that there is a physical element to chess that separates women and men. – It also requires a lot of preparation, so in a game a lot of physical energy and aggression is required. But aggression in a good way, initiated the Fide top. – So in some ways the testosterone level is a factor, he added. It is these statements that cause Stanford to turn on all the plugs. – After all, he will represent me as well. I am also a member of Fide. I think it’s completely ridiculous. He should be aware that this is provocative and problematic for half of those he represents – including boys. The chess profile believes the award is problematic for several reasons – especially considering Sutovsky’s role as day-to-day leader of the International Chess Federation. REFSAR: Standford is harsh in his criticism of Sutovsky. Photo: Rune Stoltz Bertinussen / NTB scanpix – It is someone with power who represents that type of myth. He could make an active choice and promote a different view. Explaining herself To news, Sutovsky explains that physics is only one of many factors that have hindered the development of women’s chess. – Yes, I said that chess is physical. Less than in other sports, but it has an impact at the top level, says the Fide top to news. Sutovsky says that he has both played against and coached hundreds of players, both women and men, and that his opinions are based on his own experiences. – It is of course not the only reason, nor the main reason. It is a complex topic. Not only are there many factors, but they come into play in different ways depending on the level, he says and asserts: – All attempts to simplify or trivialize one of the factors prevents us from achieving the goal – to promote women’s chess and create good relationships to increase participation and professional success. – Unmusical time On Twitter, Sutovsky has already defended himself after the criticism rained down. – I spoke for several minutes about the importance of women’s chess. Then a sentence is taken out of context to attack me and Fide, writes Sutovsky and asks the chess streamer “Gotham Chess”, whose real name is Levy Rozman, to listen to the entire interview. “Gotham Chess” has previously criticized Sutovsky on Twitter. news has heard the entire interview on the podcast. – I think it is a bit inappropriate to make such a statement when he is in the position he is in – and especially when he has to try to collect the chess value, which is one of his tasks. This is what chess player Monika Machlik says to news and is supported by Stanford. – It’s not just a mistake. He does not fulfill his role here. She also wants to add: – And this thing about aggression: Ding (Liren, World Cup player) is one of those who has shown different ways to play. It is an incredibly unmusical time to bring it up, when we have a World Cup match that shows the opposite.
