Complains to Vadsø nursing home for neglect – suffered a broken hip and gangrene – fears amputation – news Troms and Finnmark

– The foot should probably be amputated after a while. I understand that the foot is completely dead. There is no pulse. Eva Lyngvær says so. Her father, Jan Magnar Lyngvær, was briefly admitted to Vadsø hospital. Everything got much worse there. He suffered a broken hip and frostbite in one foot. We warn against strong images in the case. The entire shin and heel are without blood circulation. The 85-year-old father has dementia, but has lived at home for a long time due to the help of his family. She now owes the nursing home for neglect and indifference. – Someone is responsible for this happening. Dad was supposed to be there for a fortnight and he should have been followed up. When I delivered him it was like delivering a bag of clothes. It is at Vadsø hospital that Eva Lyngvær’s father has been. She thinks they have grossly failed her father. Photo: news According to her, no one knew anything about the father, what he needed and what they had to look out for. – I complain, and nag and nag. I have asked so many questions, but I have not been heard, says Lyngvær. – Scary In the local environment, this has caused major reactions. Elna Andersen, former head of Vadsø elderly council, says many people are now anxious. The foot of Eva Lyngvær’s father will probably have to be amputated after his stay in the hospital. Photo: Eva Lyngvær – It is simply terrifying. I have spoken to several elderly people and we are dreading that day if we have to go there. I have had a man who has been there. I welcome all criticism against them. Andersen highlights a lack of hospital places as one of the things. Jan Magnar Lyngvær’s foot has suffered a cold burn. Here is the heel. Photo: Eva Lyngvær – My husband was placed in the same room as a demented person. He called at night and said that no one came when he called. I took him home and had him as long as I could, she says. Eventually, Andersen said that he would not go up there if he did not get a private room when it was nearing the end. Professionally responsible Fiona Sahl, municipal manager for health, rehabilitation and care in Vadsø municipality, says that she does not comment on individual cases due to privacy. – We operate professionally responsibly in all services. This means that we have professional and competent staff. Fiona Sahl, municipal manager for health, rehabilitation and care in Vadsø municipality, says they are operating professionally at the nursing home. Photo: Bård Wormdal / news She says that, like other municipalities, they are struggling to get a sufficient amount of professionals. They try to bring in substitutes for sick leave and maternity leave. Following a tertiary report in the autumn, the municipal director in Vadsø has implemented financial measures. – There is a procurement freeze, avoid the use of temporary workers and overtime. Sahl denies that this has affected the patients. – We still have a professionally responsible operation. There will always be individual guards who will not be covered, she concludes. Couldn’t Målfrid Ovanger, head of the Dementia Association, is also shocked by the treatment the 85-year-old has received. – When I get feedback from relatives, there are many who have a good and positive impression of care for the elderly in Vadsø. But that there are mistakes and things can be quality assured, it certainly can. Mette Elisabeth Eriksen in the patient care center in Troms and Finnmark notices that many relatives are worried about their elderly. Mette Elisabeth Eriksen, patient services in Troms and Finnmark. Photo: Mette Elisabeth Eriksen – The professional level is very important in order to provide good quality care. Not least the care one has for relatives. They also have a hard time in such situations. After Lyngvær has shared his experiences in social media and newspapers, there have been inquiries. – I have received many phone calls and messages from relatives thanking me for taking on this case. They leave with a very bad conscience and a sadness that they didn’t do it for theirs. They did not dare and could not.
