Challenging weather conditions in the area – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The two men in their 50s and 60s were out to pull lobster stones, but did not return at the agreed time. They were found dead in the sea after the rescue helicopter, fire boat and rescue boat had searched the sea areas outside Søgne for several hours. – Unpredictable weather conditions Alf Erik Andersen is the boatman on the lifeboat Bill, which took part in the search for the two fishermen. He talks about difficult weather conditions in the area on Friday evening. – It was demanding weather with waves of up to 3 meters in the outer areas. There was a strong wind from the southeast and very unpredictable seas. Andersen also witnessed the last of the two men being found in the sea, close to the lifeboat. He was picked up by a rescue helicopter and confirmed dead. A rescue helicopter, fire boat and rescue boat searched for the two fishermen in the sea areas outside Søgne for several hours on Friday. Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB – It is clear that it is a tough experience. When we participated in the search operation, we had hoped to find the two safe and sound. And although the two men were found further inside the fjord, the accident with the boat may have happened further out. – If they have overturned out there, they may have drifted further into the fjord with wind and current, without anyone knowing this for sure now. On Saturday morning, Andersen had his second debriefing with the crew on board after the tragic incident. Investigation starts The police will start an investigation after the tragic accident and try to find out what happened. Operations manager Eivind Formoe in the Agder police district confirms this. – Wil will initially investigate and secure pictures of the plastic boat the two used. He says any questioning in the case will first be carried out next week. – The next of kin are relevant people to talk to in the event, says Formoe.
