Calle Halfvarsson froze his penis in the freezing cold – wants a rule change – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

– I thought it had gone really badly. This is how Calle Halfvarsson describes the cold shock he suffered in Finland last Sunday. In the under 20 kilometers for men, the Swedish cross-country skier had a piquant problem. – I have frozen the “snorn”. For real. Damn it, I had to lie there for ten minutes to warm it up, he told the Swedish press after the finish. – It hurts so damn much. It is terrible, he added. A short week has passed since the incident and Halvfarsson has recovered, but during this weekend’s World Cup round in Gällivare, both he and the other cross-country skiers must once again be prepared to compete in the cold. In Ruka, the thermometer officially showed a cold 17 degrees, but in reality the temperature was down to 20 degrees in parts of the track. During the men’s 10 kilometer freestyle on Saturday, the temperature can drop to minus 15, according to Halvfarsson does not fear the same extreme cold as in Finland, but still makes no secret of the fact that cold is a great strain on the body. – It’s horrible when you freeze your fingers, toes and other parts of the body, and this (the penis) is perhaps the worst thing to freeze. Considering wearing a sock World Cup leader Harald Østberg Amundsen recognizes what Halfvarsson is saying. SUPPORT: Harald Østberg Amundsen believes Calle Halfvarsson raises an important issue. Photo: NTB – Yes, I’m in that branch too. I had a small episode during the NM in Granåsen a couple of years ago where it got a little too cold, so I get cold very easily too. For that reason, Amundsen has several tips for his Swedish cross-country colleague. Double boxes, bobble wind boxes, wool, but also putting on a sock comes up as a suggestion for the Swede. Amundsen points out, however, that he has not implemented the latter measure himself. – I actually had the thought right after the race. Why wasn’t that done? Why wasn’t he wearing a sock? Or some other form of protection that covers and warms. Because if you only have wind boxes, then it will be cooled anyway, Halfvarsson responds to the proposal and adds: – If temperatures are this low again, I will find some other form of solution. Propose to raise the cold limit FIS’ regulations have set today’s cold limit to minus 20. But earlier this week Nettavisen wrote that the former Swedish long-distance runner Torgny Mogren would like to see the limit raised to minus 15. Torgny Mogren believes the cold limit should be raised. Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB scanpix / TT NEWS AGENCY Halfvarsson supports this proposal. – I actually think that you can put 15 minus. Now we have minus 20, most often when it goes down to minus 21-22, they use it anyway to run competitions. They tend to stretch those boundaries a bit, says Halfvarsson. – If you set minus 15, you will surely compete even if it is minus 18, regardless, he continues. Competing when the temperature drops to 20 degrees Celsius can have several consequences. It can also affect the lungs, he believes. – We have seen over the years that we have a problem with cold asthma. Everyone is running around with these asthma medicines. It’s the same there. Maybe it could solve a lot of problems if you raise the temperature limit a little. – You simply think that fewer people would get cold asthma if you raised the border a little? – Absolutely. It is not certain that it is the solution, but I think it is a small step on the way to solving that type of problem. Because it is in such cold conditions that you can contract cold asthma. Open to the proposal Race director for cross-country skiing in the International Ski Federation (FIS), Michal Lamplot, believes the proposal is relevant. RACE DIRECTOR: Michal Lamplot Photo: JOHANNA WALLEN / BILDBYRÅN – There is a medical explanation for why the limit is minus 20, but it is open for discussion. But if the limit is 15, we are more often at the limit, says Lamplot to news. Lamplot points out, like Halfvarsson, that competing in minus 20 can cause problems for the lungs. But that is precisely why they have set a limit. He too has had the shock experience the Swede had with the cold. – Competing in such low temperatures can be difficult, so extra caution and measures should be taken, he says. Halfvarsson says that he has not needed any further medical check-ups. But emphasizes that he will wear wonder pants during this weekend’s race. Hear all of this weekend’s cross-country skiing from Gällivare on news Sport
