Brothers confess to murder of British journalist and indigenous expert in the Amazon – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

CNN Brazil and Reuters reported that two brothers had confessed to the killings of British journalist Dom Phillips (57) and indigenous expert Bruno Pereira (41). The two were reported missing during a boat trip in the rainforest on 5 June. Reuters writes that the brothers have confessed to parting with the murder victims. The TV channel Band News also reports that the brothers burned the dismembered bodies afterwards. Finds of human remains Now one of the brothers has admitted to burying the couple in the jungle, federal police said at a press conference on Wednesday, reports the news agency AFP. – The suspect has told in detail about the killings that have been committed. He has indicated where the bodies were, said the head of the federal police in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, Eduardo Alexandre Fontes. He added that the place was very difficult to get to. Just before the press conference, the Brazilian Minister of Justice Anderson Torres tweeted that federal police have dug up the remains of two people. These are not identified. Federal police arrive at the pier after searching for indigenous expert Bruno Pereira and British journalist Dom Phillips in Atalaia do Norte, Amazonas, Brazil, on Tuesday 14 June 2022. Photo: Edmar Barros / AP Arrested on Wednesday The journalist and indigenous expert disappeared on Sunday for almost two weeks ago, when they were on their way to the city of Atalaja do Norte by motorboat. Indigenous expert Bruno Pereira (41). Photo: AFP It was reported on Monday that the two had been found dead, but the police later denied this. On Wednesday, Brazilian police said they had arrested a man connected to the case. The man, known as “Pelado”, is said to have been in possession of drugs, a shotgun, and military ammunition. Traces of blood were also found in his vehicle. Now both “Pelado”, whose real name is Amarildo da Costa de Oliveria, and his brother, Oseney da Costa de Oliveria, have confessed to the killings of the journalist and indigenous expert. Federal police escort one of the two accused of being involved in the murder of British journalist Dom Phillips and indigenous expert Bruno Pereira. Photo: BRUNO KELLY / Reuters Received death threats Before they disappeared, Phillips and Pereira must have received death threats. “We know who you are, and we will find you and put you in place,” it said in a letter, according to the newspaper O Globo. Guardian journalist Dom Phillips and activist Bruno Araújo Pereira were on their way to the Amazon city of Atalaja do Norte before being reported missing. Phillips has long been associated with the British newspaper The Guardian, and was now in the Amazon to write a book on the protection of the rainforest. The area where the two were is known for, among other things, illegal mining and drug smuggling. Since 2009, more than 300 people have been killed as a result of conflicts over resource use in the Amazon, writes Human Rights Watch. A federal police officer is on duty while a suspect is transported to the area where indigenous expert Bruno Pereira and freelance journalist Dom Phillips disappeared. Photo: Edmar Barros / AP Prayer from the family Last Tuesday, Dom Phillips’ wife, Alessandra Sampaio, posted a video on social media. There she asked the Brazilian authorities to increase efforts in the search for her husband. – We still hope to find them. Even if I do not meet the love of my life again, they must be found. Please intensify your search, said a tear-stained Sampaio. The Brazilian TV channel Band News writes that the federal police will hold a press conference about the incident during Wednesday night Norwegian time.
