Biden on US abortion law – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

In the historic verdict from the US Supreme Court that fell on Friday night, the abortion issue is now up to each and every state. This means that there is a ban on abortion in several states. President Joe Biden, an advocate for abortion rights, is disappointed. – It is a sad day for the court and a sad day for the country, says Biden. He emphasizes that the fight is not over. Biden points out how the Americans must now participate in the autumn midterm elections. He says it will be important for Americans to choose politicians who fight for women’s right to choose abortion. In the televised speech, Biden addressed American women directly. – I know that many are frustrated. I hear you, and understand you and I stand with you, says Biden. He urges Americans who want to take to the streets to protest not to use violence. The US Supreme Court has decided to set aside the historic Roe v. Wade judgment of 1973 which guarantees women the right to abortion in the United States. It creates strong emotions. Proponents of abortion protested outside the Supreme Court in Washington DC on Friday afternoon. The abortion verdict created strong feelings among those present. Large crowds had gathered outside the building of the Supreme Court in the capital. Opponents of abortion celebrate after the decision of the Supreme Court requested announced Friday. – Life won Former Vice President Mike Pence, praises the Supreme Court ruling. – Today life won. By overthrowing Roe against Wade, the United States Supreme Court has given the American people a fresh start in life, and I commend the judges for their courage. Former United States President Barack Obama calls the Supreme Court’s decision “an attack on essential freedoms.” “The court’s logic means that legislators will be able to dictate that women carry the child until term, no matter how early and no matter what the consequences that led to it – even rape and incest,” Obama said. Democrats’ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who for several years has been a clear voice when it comes to women’s rights and abortion, says on Twitter that the decision will make abortion more dangerous, especially for poor and marginalized groups. – People will die because of this decision. And we will never stop until abortion rights are restored in the United States. Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the House of Representatives, says it is malicious of the US Supreme Court to set aside the federal right to abortion. “Today, the Republican-controlled Supreme Court has achieved the Republicans’ dark and extreme goal of tearing away women’s right to make their own health choices,” Pelosi said in a statement, according to NTB. There are strong reactions both among supporters and opponents of abortion after the Supreme Court ruling. Photo: Jacquelyn Martin / AP Trump: – God made the decision Former President Donald Trump, who has received three of the conservative judges in the Supreme Court, is happy with today’s decision. “God made the decision,” Trump said. “It sends everything back to the states, where it has always belonged,” Trump told Fox News. “I think this is something that will work for everyone,” Trump said. Former President Donald Trump is pleased that the Supreme Court has removed the federal right to abortion for American women. Photo: KAREN PULFER FOCHT / Reuters “Very serious” Here in Norway, Minister of Culture and Gender Equality Anette Trettebergstuen (Labor Party) reacts strongly. – It is absolutely horrible that women’s rights are being attacked in this way. We see a wave of this worldwide. This is very serious. This means that women will die in the end. We have to stand together and try to resist the setback we see, she says and adds: – This is a serious setback for women’s fundamental rights. This is something that Norway advocates in foreign and development policy. We will of course talk about this here as well.
