Asbjørn (7) did not receive vital Christmas mail – so Posten turned around – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

This Christmas got off to a scary start for Asbjørn (7) when the important medicines did not arrive. The seven-year-old has been in Trondheim all his life because he is completely dependent on having access to a vital medicine. But when the hospital pharmacy at St. Olav’s Hospital offered to send the medicine to the grandparents’ home, and reassured them that this is something they often do, the family accepted. Christmas at the grandparents So for the first time Asbjørn and the family were going to celebrate Christmas outside Trondheim and traveled to the grandparents at Klepp in Rogaland. During the Christmas rush, the hospital sent the package with express delivery so that it would reach Asbjørn in time. But it did not arrive, and the family received a reply from Posten via chat that there were many packages to be delivered before Christmas and that they would have to wait until the third day of Christmas. It doesn’t work for a boy with an extreme diaphragmatic hernia and gastroesophageal reflux. – Without the medicine, he vomits, loses nutrition in his body and loses weight, says father Geir Jøsendal to news. – Totally Posten’s fault After so many days, the medicine would not have been usable either. – These are fresh and refrigerated products. On the third day of Christmas it would have been destroyed, says Asbjørn’s father. – Are you criticizing the pharmacy, which thought this was going to go well? – No. We believe this is entirely Posten’s fault. If you have an express service, you must deliver. After waiting for more than half an hour to chat with a Posten employee on Saturday morning, the family was met by an employee who did not understand the seriousness of the situation, Jøsendal believes. Then, fifteen minutes after the message exchange, another employee called. – The alarm must have gone off, says Jøsendal. – She was polite in her tone and assured us that they were working on finding the package at the terminal. But they didn’t find it. – Human failure The family spends the rest of the day checking with Stavanger University Hospital whether they have the medicine Asbjørn needs. The answer is no. They may offer an alternative medicine to which they do not know how the boy will react. But after news approached Posten on Saturday evening, the story took a new turn. After a short time Posten finds the package, puts it in the car and drives it to Asbjørn. – Unfortunately, there has probably been a human failure, which is deeply regrettable. That’s what Kenneth Pettersen, Posten’s press manager, answers when asked about where the package went and why they were previously unable to find it. Kenneth Pettersen, press manager at Posten, apologizes that Asbjørn’s medicine did not arrive when it was supposed to. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB So Christmas peace could finally settle in the Aanestad-Jøsendal family. The drama ended right on the eve of Christmas Eve. Now seven-year-old Asbjørn has received the package with a vital medicine that Posten was supposed to deliver on Friday. – A nice man delivered the package and apologized on behalf of the entire Post office for all the mess that has preceded the medicine now being here, writes father Geir Jøsendal in a text message at 11.11pm. Asbjørn’s package arrived late on Christmas Eve. Asbjørn’s father is still critical of the way the family was treated by the person who first received them on Posten’s chat service. But after the case was solved, he can regain his composure. – All’s well that ends well, he says.
