Accused 44-year-old appears in Oslo district court – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

A 44-year-old man from Oslo has been charged with attempted murder after the Ikea shooting at Furuset on 21 February this year. In the Oslo district court on Monday, he denies guilt for attempted murder. The defendant also pleads guilty to bodily harm. Admits shots The indictment describes that the man fired at least three shots with an automatic rifle in the car park. The shots were aimed at three men who had sought cover behind a parked Tesla. The shooting happened while the department store was open, with several witnesses present. None of the shots hit the men behind the car, but one of them got some pieces of metal in his foot. He was not seriously injured. Two cars then drove in separate directions. The defendant was arrested at Romerike later in the evening. In his car was an automatic weapon. This is confirmed by his defender. – He felt he was in a pressured situation because of a previous history. He has said in questioning that he shot to scare, and not to kill, says Øystein’s defender Ola Storrvik. A conflict over money is the background for the shooting, says the defender. The man is also charged with aggravated, illegal possession of a firearm, and illegal possession of a weapon in a public place. In court on Monday, he pleads guilty to the charges of possession of weapons. Here it emerges how the accused man was approached by one of the victims, three days before the shots were fired. The reason for the visit was allegedly a fake watch the defendant allegedly gave to another man. The defendant must have experienced the incident as threatening. Checkered past The man has been convicted of violence, abduction, aggravated robbery, robbery and complicity in robbery in the last 20 years. The police believe he has links to an organized criminal environment in Eastern Norway. Despite this, the 44-year-old has had a central position in a sports club in recent years. Last autumn, he was convicted of negligent embezzlement of NOK 1.5 million. By then, more than ten years had passed since the previous judgment. The district court then pointed out that the defendant had received an education, got a job and a family: “He thus seems to have put his criminal past behind him. The court considers it to be the case that a longer unconditional sentence would seem unfortunate for the positive life situation the defendant now seems to be in.” He was sentenced to five months in prison, two of which were suspended. This judgment was appealed by the public prosecutor. Due for inspection Oslo district court has set aside five days for the trial. On Monday, the defendant and the three victims will give their statements. On Tuesday, the court will inspect the crime scene outside Ikea in Furuset. Several witnesses who were in the car park when the shooting happened have also been called in.
