Al Qaeda leader killed in drone attack – Latest news – news

2 August 2022 at 01:35 Biden: Al Qaeda leader killed in drone attack US President Joe Biden confirms that Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was killed in an American drone attack. The attack took place in Afghanistan’s capital Kabul on Saturday. – Justice has prevailed and this terrorist leader is no longer alive, said Biden at a press conference in the White House, on the night of Tuesday Norwegian time. He said he had ordered the operation, which was carried out by the CIA on Saturday night, and that there were no civilian casualties. He also said he hoped al-Zawahri’s death would be a comfort to the families of those killed in the September 11 attacks, which al-Zawahri was accused of masterminding. Biden thus confirms the rumors that circulated in Washington on Monday that the Egyptian al-Qaeda leader al-Zawahri had been killed. (NTB)
