The experts’ verdict on the presidential debate between Biden and Trump – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Expectations were low. For Trump, it is a victory if he avoids setting himself on fire, wrote Hillary Clinton in The New York Times. Megyn Kelly, who moderated a previous debate between Biden and Trump, has said that Biden needs to just “not die,” The Wrap wrote. The 90-minute long presidential debate between Biden and Trump began at 3 o’clock Norwegian time on Friday night. The sentence is not merciful: – It was worse than expected. And I had rather low expectations, says USA expert Gjermund Stenberg Eriksen to news early Friday morning. – An old man who messes up Age has become a hot topic in the presidential election campaign. Biden is 81 years old. Trump 78. But even though only a few years separate the two, it is Biden’s advanced age in particular that has received the most attention. Eriksen says that he had hoped for a “normal performance” from the president. He means that he did not see anything else. – It started badly. Then he didn’t lose his word completely, but there were too many moments that confirmed his greatest weakness, he says. Biden sounded unclear at times during the debate. It doesn’t make him seem younger than he is, say commentators. Photo: Marco Bello / Reuters Nor is Sigrid Rege Gårdsvoll, commentator in Vårt Land and, impressed by Biden’s achievements. – He appears exactly as he doesn’t need to appear: like an old man messing around, she says to news. Thinks Trump outperformed Biden When it comes to Trump, Eriksen believes that people saw things they had seen before. – He uses the same techniques that he used in 2016 and 2020, which we then thought were completely hair-raising. Today, they are so normalized that we hardly react, says Eriksen. It was difficult to follow Trump’s arguments, say experts. Photo: Gerald Herbert / AP He believes it was difficult to keep up with what Trump says from sentence to sentence. His arguments are incoherent. Eriksen nevertheless believes that Trump succeeds better than Biden in one thing in particular: – He knows better that TV is about emotions and achievements that should make an impression, more than what he says should stick. His reasoning makes no more sense than Biden’s, but he delivers it better. Published 28.06.2024, at 06.41 Updated 28.06.2024, at 06.53
