Brenna was informed about Utøya collaboration in 2022 – Latest news – news

28 February 2024 at 10:24 DN: Brenna was informed about Utøya cooperation in 2022 The then minister of knowledge Tonje Brenna (Ap) was informed that her ministry gave millions in support to Utøya AS, one year before she declared herself incompetent in the case, writes DN today. In 2022, the ministry distributed several millions to the Wergeland Centre, millions which also benefited Utøya AS. Brenna’s ex-partner and two friends sat on the board of Utøya AS. Brenna has explained to the control committee that she was not aware that the cooperation between the Wergeland center was to be considered as financial support to Utøya AS, and that it was therefore not relevant for her to assess the impartiality towards Utøya AS. Now the Ministry of Education confirms to DN that the political leadership received a memo stating that Utøya AS is connected to the Wergeland Center and the support for the school project on 22 July. Brenna has not responded to DN’s inquiries.
