Only got nine out of fourteen examinations registered with the municipal superintendent in Frosta – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– I feel stupid and used for accepting everything he did in the belief that I was lucky to have a doctor who was so thorough and spent so much time on me. That’s what one of the women who was filmed during gynecological examinations by the former municipal superintendent in Frosta says. She wishes to remain anonymous in the matter. The man pleads not guilty. The woman says that she has taken out her medical record and that it shows that several of the gynecological examinations have not been registered. Since 2016, she has had fourteen gynecological examinations. Nine of them were registered and five of the examinations were not registered. – I was often told that things were not shown in the tests and that we had to do it again, so I must have been filmed for 20 hours. She learned this when her police interview was compared with the report from those who had analyzed the video material. – The fact that I spread around more or less naked today just feels disgusting and perverted. She also says that several of the examinations took place at 8 p.m. The woman has now been given legal assistance. 200 reviews From earlier, it is known that 93 women have been offended, and the former municipal superintendent has been charged with 34 rapes. The police found 6,000 hours of video material when they searched the accused’s doctor’s office, and recognized 159 new women on the video recordings. Of these, 42 have chosen to report the former doctor for filming. In addition, 65 other women have reported him for abuse. On Wednesday, investigation manager in Trøndelag police district, Eivind Guldseth, could confirm that the number of victims is now 200. There are a total of 200 victims in the case, says investigation manager, Eivind Guldseth. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news Both Guldseth and police attorney Charlotte Asphaug are clear that there will be a number of arrests in the future. In this case, news has tried to get in touch with the doctor’s lawyer via phone, SMS and e-mail, without so far having received a reply. I think they have clear video evidence – I don’t want to go into too much detail about what is filmed, but it is quite a broad spectrum. From what we have previously referred to as sexual intercourse and up to the fact that normal gynecological examinations have been carried out where nothing criminal has happened during the examination apart from the fact that it has been filmed, Eivind Guldseth told news on Tuesday 5 September. He confirmed that the video material they are sitting on clearly shows what is happening. – The quality is such that we see the investigation well. There are several cameras and several angles without me wanting to go into the number of cameras. – When we see the video and if it is played in court, there is no doubt about what will be done. In a police interview carried out in April, the accused is said to have explained to the police that he filmed to have evidence. Investigative leader Guldseth told news that in July.
