The Minister of Defense receives professional military advice – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

In the report, Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen gives concrete recommendations on how the Norwegian Armed Forces can be developed in the future. Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp) received the report, and the advice from the Defense is to be used in a new long-term plan. This is later presented to the Storting. The Chief of Defense asks to increase the allocations by NOK 8 billion every year from 2025 to 2031. He recommends strengthening the ability for better intelligence throughout the Armed Forces, investing in new helicopters, increasing the number of submarines, creating a mobilizable brigade and strengthening the aerial warning chain. – The probability of a conflict involving Norway has increased, says the defense chief. He believes that Russia appears as an unstable and unpredictable actor, and that there are few signs of a change in course in Russia. – Norway must take more responsibility for its own security and contribute to the alliance. Kristoffersen believes that the strengthening must happen quickly. What is the defense chief’s professional military advice? The Chief of Defense’s Professional Military Council is abbreviated FMR. In the council, the Chief of Defense makes concrete recommendations on how the defense can be developed going forward. The government considers the advice from the chief of defence, and uses this in the work on a long-term plan. The government then presents the proposal for the long-term plan to the Storting. Development in the defense is determined through four-year plans. The government is now working on a long-term plan for 2024–2027. The plan lays down guidelines for how the defense will develop during this period. Source: The Norwegian Armed Forces. Five focus areas Kristoffersen recommends five focus areas for the development of the defence, it appears in the report. He wants to strengthen the Armed Forces’ endurance and ability to handle demanding situations. The five focus areas are: Improvement of known weaknesses in the current structure. Strengthen the Armed Forces’ ability to operate in the maritime domain. Increase the ability to protect both military and civilian targets against air threats Increase the defence’s ability to combat targets at long distances. Strengthen the capacity for endurance through a further increase in the volume of the Armed Forces. Kristoffersen will primarily propagate weaknesses, and make the Defense we have today work. This alone will cost up to NOK 80 billion by 2028. Photo: Fredrik Varfjell / NTB Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp) believes that the serious changes in our security situation have come to light in the past year. – Russia poses the biggest threat to Norway’s security, and the confrontation with the West has become clear, says Gram during the press conference on Wednesday. According to Kristoffersen, the Norwegian Armed Forces currently do not have sufficient ability to protect military and civilian targets against air threats or to combat targets at long distances. – Our ability to maintain and protect our maritime interests is also too weak, says Kristoffersen. It also emerges that the Norwegian Armed Forces have challenges and deficiencies in personnel, property/buildings/facilities, material, ammunition, fuel reserves and ICT. – You write that the Norwegian defense has limited endurance. How critical is it in terms of the personnel shortage? – That is where we have the biggest challenges. We have filled up according to the grants that have been given, but it is too little, says Kristoffersen. He goes on to say that people in the defense work many more than one full-time year on average. Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen. Wants at least four new frigates The Chief of Defense makes specific recommendations in the report. Kristoffersen will primarily propagate weaknesses, and make the Defense we have today work. This alone will cost up to NOK 80 billion by 2028. This is how the chief of defense will otherwise prioritize his wish list: Renew surface vessels. Buy at least four and preferably six new frigates and up to 20 large and small standard vessels. More air defenses to protect Norway against air threats. Strengthen your ability to inflict damage on an opponent by investing in more long-range precision weapons. Increase the volume of the armed forces: More personnel. More material. He also advocates a new brigade to defend Eastern Norway, a brigade in the south. From before, Norway has a brigade in Bardufoss. Kristoffersen also wants more air defense. First, the Chief of Defense recommends increasing the volume of the Defence’s existing short- and medium-range air defense so that it can protect civilian and military areas at the same time. Then to invest in new air defense systems with a long range. The threat from climate change is included in the defense chief’s advice for the first time. – Climate change represents a serious threat to the international community and the Armed Forces must be prepared for stricter environmental requirements. A changed climate will both affect the threat picture and thus the Defence’s operations, the report states. – Turning point Pål B. Nygaard is the chief shop steward for the Army, and believes the advice from the chief of defense is a turning point. – The Defense Commission and FMR are warning of a turning point in the downsizing of the Armed Forces and especially the land force that has been going on since the Cold War, says Nygaard. – FMR orders an increase to 3 brigades in the Army. The Storting can therefore, based on an expressed willingness to strengthen land power, start with the lowest hanging fruit. Here, the option to acquire a further 18 Leopard 2 A7 tanks, more artillery and long-range precision-delivered missiles will be ordered as soon as possible, he elaborates. Pål B. Nygaard is the main shop steward for the Army. Photo: Jørn Inge Johansen / news Høyre: – Ambitious Høyre asks the government to try to achieve a broad majority in the Storting. – The Chief of Defense has presented an ambitious professional military council (FMR). We see that the FMR and the Defense Commission’s report are pulling in the same direction, with recommendations on the organization of the Armed Forces and significant financial escalation in the coming years, says Hårek Elvenes, spokesperson for defense policy in the Conservative Party. The Conservative Party asks the government to try to achieve a broad majority in the Storting. Photo: Martin Leigland / news He points out that the development of security policy will require more in the coming years. – Against the background of the serious security policy situation, and the financial escalation that is required, we repeat the clear call for the government to involve the Storting ahead of the presentation of the long-term plan next year. This is the only way we can get a broad settlement and a credible escalation of defense budgets that will last for a long period, says Elvenes.
