Extensive investigation after stabbing at Notodden – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– A man in his late teens has been arrested and charged with grievous bodily harm, says police attorney Tine Henriksen. Questions about imprisonment will be considered during Monday. At 22.09 on Sunday evening, the police received a report that a woman in her 30s had been stabbed in the center of Notodden. The woman was first transported by ambulance to Notodden Hospital – later she was transported to UllevĂ„l Hospital. – She has suffered several stab wounds, and the situation is serious, said team leader Marius Dale to news on Monday night. The woman’s injuries are not life-threatening and is being treated in hospital. Not questioned The police reported on Sunday evening that one man had been brought in after the incident, but that it could not be said for certain that this was the perpetrator. – Neither the victim nor the person arrested has been questioned for the time being. This is something we aim to implement during the day. As the case stands now, there is nothing to indicate that we are looking for another perpetrator, says Henriksen. The accused is known to the police from the past, but only for minor matters. Random victim Henriksen confirms that it appears that the woman was a random victim. – Based on the information we now have, there should not have been any relationship or contact with the victim and the accused before she was injured, she says. The forensic work continues on Monday. The police are working to collect surveillance material and interview witnesses. The police are asking people who may have information about the incident, or who may have observed something that may be relevant, to contact them on 476 96 200.
