Patient focus means the government must intervene before lockout with a compulsory wage board – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– It is the lifeline of people, and it should certainly not be touched, says Irene Ojala. She is the only parliamentary representative from the Patient Focus party, and sits on the health and care committee in the Storting. The party fights for patient rights in northern Norway. She is surprised by the choice of NHO Aviation, which affects something as vulnerable as the air ambulance. – It is talentless, she says. If the parties do not agree, the government can break in with a forced wage board. Member of the Storting for Patient Focus and member of the Health and Care Committee in the Storting, Irene Ojala. Photo: Irene Ojala / Private Ojala thinks that they should do if the parties do not agree before Sunday. – They just have to cancel the whole thing and say that this does not work. She emphasizes that both strikes and lockouts are legal remedies in working life, and that most people understand that it affects people. – When NHO announces lockout and takes the air ambulance, I do not disregard the fact that it is a means NHO uses to force a forced wage board. FRP: Very serious Second deputy chair of the Health and Care Committee in the Storting, Bård Hoksrud (FRP), thinks the lockout is serious. – It is about people and patients who may need vital treatment, and it can have major fatal consequences if the plane does not fly when they should. He is also surprised by the decision of NHO Luftfart, and thinks the government must intervene if there is the slightest doubt that life and health are at stake. The aircraft technicians’ strikes have already led to several canceled departures. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB – There is an escalation in the level of conflict and it can affect completely innocent people, and that is also why we are critical of this tool. SV: – One way to force a forced wage board 106 aircraft technicians is on strike. The Norwegian Aircraft Technician Organization has announced an escalation from Friday. The strike has led to more canceled flights. Leader of the labor and social committee Kjersti Bergstø (SV) thinks NHO challenges the right to strike by notifying the lockout. – They can not go on like that. This is just one way of forcing a compulsory wage board. Leader of the Labor and Social Affairs Committee in the Storting Kjersti Bergstø (SV). Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB – Grotesque to gamble with people’s lives Tenant in NFO, Jan Skogseth, thinks that the lockout came very early in the strike. He says this to TV 2. – I think it is special, because we have sought negotiation. We were the first to offer a new negotiation. We care about life and health. When the parties ended the dialogue last Sunday, NHO did not have time to meet on Monday, says Skogseth to TV 2. Tenant in the Norwegian Aircraft Technician Organization (NFO) Jan Skogseth. Photo: news – Then it is special to come up with a lockout today. It is grotesque to gamble with human lives in this way, he continues. – We are in a deadlocked situation The CEO of NHO Ole Erik Almlid tells news that it is not often that they choose to take employees out in lockouts. – When we choose to do it, it is because we see that we are in a deadlocked situation. We are facing far higher wage demands than other groups in society have accepted. The flight technicians have demanded NOK 60 extra per hour. An increase of 17 percent, according to NHO. – The parties are responsible Minister of Labor and Care Marte Mjøs Persen (Labor Party), says means such as strikes and lockouts are legal remedies in Norwegian working life. – Lockout is very unusual, and is perceived as dramatic. It is the parties who own the conflict and who are responsible for finding a solution. Tenant in the health and care committee in the Storting, Tone Wilhelmsen Trøen (H), will not comment on an ongoing wage conflict. “The question and assessment of the use of a compulsory wage board to ensure life and health is the government’s responsibility,” Trøen told news. State Secretary Karl Kristian Bekeng. Photo: Esten Borgos / Borgos Foto AS The Ministry of Health and Care Services has requested a briefing from Luftambulansetenesta HF on the consequences of a possible lockout, says State Secretary Karl Kristian Bekeng. – The ministry will send this information to the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision, which will assess in more detail whether these consequences will entail a danger to life and health. Bekeng adds that the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision is professionally responsible for such an assessment.
