Two women found dead in Kragerø. Relatives critical of healthcare personnel – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The preliminary autopsy report came on Monday, which shows that the two may have died of illness. – I think it’s incredibly sad, I can’t put it into words, says Magnus. He is himself the cousin and nephew of the two deceased, who were mother and daughter. He only wants to be quoted by first name, but news knows his identity. Magnus speaks on behalf of several of the women’s next of kin. The two women, who are in their 20s and 60s, were found dead in a home in Kragerø on 26 December. The emergency services rushed to the home after receiving a report of concern from a person who had not been able to make contact with the one woman. Ambulance personnel are said to have visited the women five days earlier, but left again without taking them with them. This causes the relative to react strongly. – Misjudgment He was closely connected to the two, says Magnus. – We had a good relationship. They have always supported us. I lost my mother 14 months ago, and then they were there for us, he says. He does not understand how the paramedics could leave the two. The last time Magnus was in contact with the two family members was the Thursday before Christmas. On Boxing Day they were found dead in their home. – I feel that it must have been a misjudgment. That they should take them to the hospital. It’s absolutely awesome. I can’t describe it, he says. Ambulance chief: – I feel for them Head of the ambulance service in Telemark, Knut Inge Skoland, thinks the case is sad. – I feel for them, and of course apologize that they have experienced it this way. SAD CASE: Knut Inge Skoland, head of the ambulance service in Telemark, thinks the case is sad. Photo: Ole Oskar Eriksen / news He still wants to stress that a thorough assessment was made on the spot when the ambulance visited the two. He has read the medical record from the paramedics. – There are no vital parameters, which are often used to make these assessments, which indicate that you should have been taken directly to hospital, he says to news. Skoland also emphasizes that a lot may have happened during the days after the ambulance was on the scene. – The course of the disease may have developed quite a lot, he says. The ambulance commander believes his people are well trained to make the right assessments in such situations. – They are very well trained in emergency medicine, but they are also trained in examining and making clinical assessments and implementing treatment measures that are within our procedures. They are also trained in making contact with a higher level of care when there is a need for it, says Skoland. He clarifies that they will nevertheless go deeper into the case when more is known about the cause of death after the final autopsy report has been completed.
