– There may be strong winds from several directions – news Nordland

Varsam’s overview shows a significant risk of avalanches, i.e. danger warning three, in large parts of northern Norway. At the same time, the Meteorological Institute warns of a yellow level due to strong winds. There will be a good deal of snow in large parts of northern Norway, and the most will be in Troms and Nordland. At the same time, there will be strong winds, and the meteorologists warn that there may be small to strong storms, strong winds and snow flurries. Up to 90 cm of snow In the next few days, there may be up to 90 centimeters of snow in some places in Helgeland, write the meteorologists on Twitter. In other parts of Nordland and Troms and Finnmark, 25-50 centimeters are expected. In Troms and Finnmark, Vest-Finnmark, Nord-Troms, Lyngen, Tromsø, Sør-Troms and Indre Troms are extra exposed. In Nordland, the warning applies in particular to the regions of Lofoten, Ofoten, Vesterålen, Salten, Svartisen and Helgeland. Gustav Pless is a watchman at the Avalanche Warning Service in NVE. He says that they are increasing in danger due to the combination of light snow cover, precipitation and wind. Gustav Pless, supervisor at the NVE Avalanche Warning Service. Photo: Sissel Brunstad / news – It is a demanding situation to be out in the mountains in. It can also be demanding weather. It will probably be difficult to navigate the mountains in that type of weather. There are conditions that are difficult to take care of. Pless advises people to keep their distance from steep slopes with pack snow in the mountains, because it can be easy to trigger avalanches. Precipitation will vary between regions. – It is generally that there are difficult avalanche conditions now. They are very wet in the north, so we have a lot of what people are used to, with persistent weak layers and fresh snow. How to avoid avalanches Read the avalanche warning for your area. Familiarize yourself with what the different degrees of danger and avalanche problems will mean for your journey in avalanche terrain. Plan your trip at home – prepare for the trip according to weather and snow conditions, and according to the experience and knowledge level of the tour group. Pay attention to the danger signs of avalanches that nature gives you: fresh avalanches, cracks in the snow surface, rumbling from the snow cover when under load. Have good traffic routines. Walk in avalanche-prone areas one at a time or keep a good distance from each other. Stop/wait only at safe stopping points – places where you cannot trigger avalanches and where you cannot be drawn by avalanches from above. Be able to recognize avalanche-prone terrain. Where can landslides occur, and how far can landslides go? Always make well-thought-out road choices – ask yourself the question “why can I travel here”? There is a particular risk of avalanches with: Soft snow and wind in the last two to three days. Cracks and noises in the snow cover (rumble). Fresh landslides nearby. Suddenly mild weather. Cold periods followed by precipitation in the form of snow. Severe cold creates a layer of frost on the surface of the snow, on which even small amounts of snow can slip. Most accidental avalanches in the mountains occur when there is dry snow that has been transported by the wind. Skier Nikolai Schirmer’s tip: Pack an avalanche finder, search stand, shovel and wind bag to avoid hypothermia. Consider driving with an avalanche bag that inflates and makes you float on top of the snow. Have your mobile phone easily accessible to notify the rescue centre. Bring sports tape to treat minor injuries. Source: Red Cross – Then be careful in the mountains and keep a good distance from avalanche terrain. We recommend avoiding anything above 30 degrees, as well as terrain below this, because avalanches can be remotely triggered. There is also some snow in North-West Norway. In Jotunheimen, Sunnmøre and Romdal, a moderate avalanche risk has been announced. – But there is not much new, so the avalanche danger is moderate. Can make natural descents Extra weak layers in the snow cover are typically formed early in the season when the snow cover is cold and thin. It will therefore be possible for people to trigger avalanches from a distance. – In other words, standing in one place and unleashing an avalanche over you. In some of these regions, we would also like to report that landslides can occur naturally. You also have to be extra careful in traffic. In Western Norway, plowing crews have had their hands full with snow chaos in the last couple of days. In some places in Nordland, buses have already been canceled due to the high risk of landslides. – The forecast is not completely clear for tomorrow. In some places, we would like to report that there may be large, naturally triggered landslides. In Vest-Finnmark, there may be some snow and up to stiff gales. Then small landslides can quickly occur on the road, says Pless. – But we do not expect widespread unstable conditions. Photo: Meteorological Institute Expect storms and unstable weather conditions The Meteorological Institute has reported two polar low pressures that are on their way. – With polar low pressure, there can be strong winds from several directions, and that there will be heavy snowstorms along with it. So says Elise Gloppen Hunnes, meteorologist on duty at the Meteorological Institute. – There will be some fresh snow together with a lot of wind. There is a high degree of uncertainty as to exactly where they will land, but large parts of Nordland will be affected by the low pressure. – The low pressure in Nordland is expected to form outside Lofoten and Vesterålen and move inwards around Salten and Helgeland as it looks now. In Troms and Finnmark, Vest-Finnmark and Troms will get both heavy snowfall and some wind. – It will be very stormy weather. It will probably be difficult if you have decided to drive. The visibility will be extremely poor and it may take longer to travel to different places.
